NORTHUMBERLAND County Council is seeking legal advice about allegations contained in an open letter sent by a developer.

The statement from Lugano Developments was critical of actions taken by the council over the proposed Dissington Garden Village, near Ponteland

The signatories of the letter, Lugano chairman and former county council director Richard Robson and fellow Lugano director Allan Rankin, single out council leader Coun. Peter Jackson and planning portfolio holder Coun. John Riddle for criticism.

The future of the garden village development was thrown into doubt after the current Conservative administration scrapped the Local Plan Core Strategy last July, with the council set to reconsider the application.

A council spokesman said: “We are appalled and quite frankly astounded Lugano Developments has chosen to make public such serious allegations in an open letter.

“For clarity, Coun. Jackson does not sit on any county planning committees, and is well within his right in his role as a local councillor to reflect any concerns or views of his constituents.”

County councillor for Corbridge, Coun. Nick Oliver, added: “On Thursday the council informed Lugano that its application will go before the strategic planning committee and the next day it launched this attack.

“This is no more than a pathetic attempt by a big developer to apply pressure and influence a planning decision – it has shown in the past that it is prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to get its way.

“Personal attacks on officers and members have no place in the proper planning process.”

Lugano’s seven-page letter, sent to all county councillors last Friday, called for a third party investigation.

Northumberland Labour leader Coun. Grant Davey also called for an independent investigation. “Coun Jackson may disregard them as ‘tittle tattle’ but does not address the substantive content of the allegations,” he said.

The county council spokesman added: “The allegations are very serious in nature and the council believes that it would be inappropriate at this time to address publicly the many inappropriate, untrue and defamatory statements which are contained within the letter.

“The council is taking legal advice in this regard.”