THE Labour candidate for North of Tyne Mayor has been announced.

Jamie Driscoll, who until recent weeks had virtually no political profile, won the nomination over Newcastle City Council leader Nick Forbes.

He won by 2,514 votes to 1,913 in a vote by North-East Labour party members and will go into the historic May 2 election.

The Conservatives have not announced their candidate yet, while former Newcastle councillor John Appleby, will stand for the Liberal Democrats.

Jamie Driscoll is a former engineer, who lives with his wife, an NHS doctor, and his two children.

“We need a Labour Mayor now more than ever to stand up to Tory cuts, make our voice heard in Westminster and get the investment we sorely need for our schools, services and the NHS,” he said.

“I have a strong set of policies that will help to make a real difference to people’s everyday lives.”