A STRATEGIC plan involving the region’s major employers has been launched to ensure the economy recovers from coronavirus.

North East England Chamber of Commerce has enlisted the support of local businesses to make sure the economy is in the best shape possible when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

The Chamber Partner members are working closely together on a range of topics, which will be essential priorities for the region’s economic future. These include the state of the local business environment, infrastructure, education, employment and skills and business finance.

James Ramsbotham, the chamber’s chief executive, said: “We understand fully North-East businesses are facing tremendous difficulties right now, but we all have also to keep our eyes looking forward.

“It is imperative if we are to get through this current challenge that we know, as far as possible, what we need to do to hit the ground running after this crisis has eased.”

Chamber Partner members supporting this initiative represent a range of North-East business sectors, including Northumbrian Water, Gateshead College, Newcastle Building Society and Lichfields.

Louise Hunter, director of corporate affairs at Northumbrian Water and chairwoman of Chamber Partner members, said: “At this critical time in our regional economy, it is has never been more important that we stay connected as a business community. This work will help us all to understand the wider regional and UK context and will enable us to gain insights from, and ask questions of, key decision makers.”