According to Martin Pugh (Courant, January 21), Brexit is now illegitimate because old leave voters die and young voters replace them.

Martin overlooks that we tend to change our views as we get older and wiser.
This week’s Brexit good news is that the UK/EU trade agreement will give Sunderland’s Nissan plant a “competitive advantage”.  

Not the words of Nigel Farage, but of Nissan’s CEO Ashwani Gupta, who describes the new customs procedures as “peanuts”. 

So much for Martin’s notion that, because of Brexit, “the motor car industry is now being run down by all the companies”.

Perhaps Martin could explain to young people why he laments the fall in the number of EU nurses in our NHS – even though they’ve been more than offset by competent workers from the UK and all over the world.

Remember kids: “British jobs for British workers”, branded illegal and racist by Remainers, was a policy of former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

Remember too that Tynedale’s anti-Brexit doom mongers were predicting lives lost through food and medical shortages.

Not only are the supermarket shelves plentiful despite the pandemic, but Brexit Britain leads the way in the roll out of life saving vaccines – unlike the EU, whose disastrous vaccine strategy is costing thousands of lives.
