A theatre company has asked for dedications to residents, locations and events across Northumberland as part of a new project.

‘I Made You A Playlist’ is an idea created by Newcastle-based The Six Twenty and is set to take place over two shows on March 10 and 11. 

The group, led by project co-ordinator Steven Blackshaw, plan to take a selection of messages left by residents across the county and turn it into a live performance to show what Northumberland means to members of the public. 

“We want to help friends, families and everyone in Northumberland come together over these two nights,” said Steven. 

“I guess you could call it a set of ‘love letters’ to the area - comments and shout outs to the people and places you’ve enjoyed spending time with.

“As we all know, these last few months have been a new experience for everyone around the region, so we’re hoping to help people celebrate and talk about who and what means the most to them.”

The Six Twenty are one of many businesses involved in the creative arts industry that have seen a lot of the work they had planned cancelled or delayed as a result of the pandemic, so the company needed to think of a way to adapt to performing online as a result. 

Steven went on to explain that the show is well and truly about the people watching and celebrating their local area. 

“One of the biggest things we want to show is that it’s purely about the people and the places they love in Northumberland,”

“Obviously we love performing the shows, but it’s more about the area and the people rather than us. We want to create a immersive online experience that’s fun and also engaging for the people watching.” 

“It’s all done on Zoom and it’s set to be a great and hopefully unique way of all coming together during what is a very unusual time for us all.

“After a bit of a rethink last year following the restrictions being imposed, we needed to work out what we could do online and one of the ideas we had was this.”

“We hope you really enjoy each performance and hope to see you there!”

To dedicate a song to either someone or something in area you love, phone 0191 2742318 and leave a message when requested to do so. 

The live shows are part of the Great Northumberland Winter Festival, with tickets - which are free of charge - available at: http://bit.ly/imyapbook.