Find out what is happening in your town or village.


Ruth Marlee

Hello! Firstly, a big “thank you!” to Lynda White for writing the Courant Hexhamshire notes for as long as I can remember! Secondly, so that I can take over her task, I have set up an email account and would welcome any contributions about local events or issues up to Friday evening the week before publication. Please understand that all items may be subject to editing as the total contribution is only 250 words! I edited the Hexhamshire Magazine for 10 years, so hopefully will manage this next challenge. On the subject of the ‘Shire Mag’, the March issue was a cracking production full of local interest and inspiration, all produced and circulated voluntarily. By the way, the annual subscriptions and advertising fees are due! (Please contact for advice on how to renew).

As the children return to school this week, we all salute the resilience and professionalism of the staff at Whitley Chapel School. To be fair, I think the parents (and grandparents?) who have persevered with home-schooling deserve the same congratulations! Living fairly near the school, I love to hear the children playing and the sound of the old handbell to signal the restart of lessons. Added to that, the delightful calls of blue tits, robins, blackbirds and others all add to the recognition that spring is hear – or nearly here!


Rob Tindall

Be very careful if you meet another vehicle on the road between Walwick Grange and the transformer. The edge of the road has been worn away, there is a 10cm drop in places and the edge is very ragged. Even if the drop doesn’t get you, the jagged edge could easily damage your tyres! Warden Parish Council reported this defect as a priority for action by the county council.

Each month residents are being asked to submit a topical, local photograph to the Stanegate. Submissions will be judged by Kevin Hilton who is a member of the editorial team and also an accomplished photographer. This sounds an attractive project. Send your photographs to

Warden Parish Council wasn’t short of material to debate at its last meeting. Councillor Robson gave a presentation on village signage for Fourstones and Warden and it subsequently was decided to explore possible designs and costs. The water supply at the allotments is to be the subject of a joint councillors/holders’ meeting. The intention is to have a village litter-pick to coincide with the Keep Britain Tidy period in late May/early June. The gas burners on the Millennium Beacon have been repaired but the council thought it prudent to seek advice as to whether a Gas Safety Certificate is required.

What goes around, comes around. There are lots of supermarket delivery vans around but it’s nothing new. The man for the Brough’s order came on Wednesday and the groceries were delivered on Friday. No telephone or laptop then.


Herbie Newell

It was with great sadness that the village learned of the death of Dianne Harding last Friday. Dianne had bravely battled her illness for two years and died peacefully at the Crown Inn with family at her side. From the day the Harding family took over the Crown, Dianne was the welcoming face at the bar and until very recently the friendly voice on phone. Dianne will be greatly missed and fondly remembered; our thoughts are with David and all of Dianne’s family.

Our condolences are also extended to Bob Burton and his family following the recent loss of Brenda. The last year has been hard for everyone, but especially for those who have lost loved ones.

ALL our children returned to school on Monday – welcome back and well done everyone!

To record the impact of the pandemic on our village, Humshaugh Publications is producing the “Humshaugh Book of COVID”. Residents of all ages are encouraged to submit a Covid-related contribution in any form by Email to or, or in the box in the village shop.

On a lighter note, residents may be able to help solve the Humshaugh Mousetrap Mystery. Newell felines have recently brought home two deceased mice both still attached to the mousetraps that killed them! Two smart red and white traps (minus mice) await collection.

St Peter’s remains open for private prayer, and all are welcome to regular Zoom services at 10am each Sunday - please contact for the link.

Riding Mill

Carole Craig-Gilby

Welcome to the second week of March and this week I went to see the memory garden behind the parish hall and it is once again showing such spurt in growth, all bulbs peeping through the soil, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, it was such an oasis of tranquillity and what a blessing in these troubled times. It is true with events cancelled and even though there are steps from March 8 beginning the pathways of recovery through this extraordinary time we all need a little distraction. The Market Table continues to be a boon and from personal experience I can recommend Lind Shepherd’s fabulous jars of chutney (my favourite being rhubarb) at £2.50 each available along with jams and marmalade. Happy to announce a successful fire inspection of both halls in Riding Mill.

Riding Mill Lent Soup Recipe Book 2021 is now back from the printers and looks great, very colourful indeed. This is the recipe book that recently you may remember Jenny asked people to send in their favourite soup recipes to share to all, lots did and now the book will be available to buy now. There will be a minimum donation of £7 per copy with all profits going to Oxfam Coronavirus Appeal. To order a copy please contact Jenny Mathers via email at Payments preferably via BACS to St James Church PCC. Alternatively, by cheque made payable to St James Church PCC. Jenny will supply all the details of how to pay and obtain your copy in a Covid-safe way.


Helen Savage

Slaley Community Shop AGM is on Thursday next week (March 18) at 7.30pm by Zoom: a really important meeting. If you’re a member, please take part; if you aren’t, there are membership forms in the shop or contact Sandra Innes:

Slaley Community Shop and the Slaley Community Environmental Group are doing great work in partnership to recycle items that can’t be put into our recycle bins. As well as recycling batteries and printer cartridges, you can even now recycle cheese wrappers - and from any retailer. I jest not – this isn’t April the First. All we ask is that you rinse them out first. They’ll be used to make garden and outdoor equipment. Amazing. Printer cartridges go to the Great North Air Ambulance Service who sell them - a great cause to support if ever there was one. You don’t have to wait until the shop is open to deposit items for recycling - just leave them in the metal shed, which is open 24/7. So far, one full basket of batteries has been recycled and also a box of printer cartridges, of all which is great news. Well done Slaley – please keep up the good work!

Joan Jewitt is especially delighted to have seen the back of the snow and invites us all again to send her photographs of signs of spring for inclusion on the Ladycross Nature Reserve website. Please email your contributions to The weather forecast for this next week is perfect, good for photography.

Allen Valleys

Robert Philipson

First sign of spring. Mel has done the first cut of grass on Wentworth with the hand mower. Catton village green is usually not far behind.

The area outside the Forge will be resurfaced, hopefully in late April/early May. Coulson Construction Ltd, which made such a good job on the area outside the church several years ago, will be doing the work. It will necessitate the removal of parked cars while this work is done but the area will be marked out clearly prior to work commencing and will result in a vast improvement to its present condition.

Speaking of cars, the parish council is involved with a local working group to look at the requirements for electric charging points in the three villages. If the Government’s vision of the timetable for phasing traditional vehicles out is true, there will have to be a major upgrade of electricity supplies into the area by Northern Powergrid to enable sufficient capacity for both residents and visitors. Locations will be necessary for car owners wishing to charge their cars and who do not have the luxury of their own parking spaces adjacent to their residency.

It will be good to see the school and preschool fully reopening in the village although there will be the parent’s disappointment in not being able to join in the excellent online classroom and the challenge of overseeing the homework set each day.

Finally our county councillor, Colin Horncastle, informed the parish council that some of the repairs done to the road’s potholes in the area had been temporary fixed. The sheer volume of work done to fill these in was huge but there will be more substantial repairs done where necessary when conditions allow.

Please send any contributions to this column for next week by Sunday 6pm and sent to or telephone 01434 685266.


Birtley Nail

Churches Together in Bellingham celebrated World Day of Prayer on Friday with a service prepared by the Christian women of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Denied their usual in person service by Covid restrictions, the group took the words of the islanders to villagers by distributing the service booklet to supporters. As well as the service sheet, the package being shared included a small pebble for use in the act of commitment section of the service, and a biscuit baked in memory of popular Bellingham resident Noreen Carr who was involved in the World Day of Prayer in the village for over 20 years, and died just before last year’s ceremony. There is also an envelope for donations, which can be left at Bellingham Pharmacy, courtesy of pharmacist Shammi Nair , who was very fond of Noreen, and greatly admired her kindness in collecting and delivering prescriptions, Donations can be dropped off any time up to March 15, and signing the envelopes will enable the WDP to claim Gift Aid, increasing the value of the donation by 25 per cent.

Bellingham Methodist United Reformed Church is holding an Easter raffle for a hamper which is on display at the village bakery, where tickets are available.

Indian food fans will be delighted to know that work has resumed on the project to turn a former plumbers’ workshop into a top class Indian takeaway. Work on the long awaited project was halted when one of the workers fitting the kitchens at the former Nixon’s premises behind Bellingham Garage contracted Covid-19. However, owners Val and Jonty Hutchinson confirmed this week that work was under way again, and it is hoped that renowned chef Titu Ahad will be serving meals later in the year.

Hats off to local hero Keith Oliver, from Fairshaw Crescent, who is spending much of his leisure time removing moss and algae from the paths at Bellingham cemetery. Keith has won much praise from locals for his voluntary work. Cemetery operator Bellingham Parish Council is about to embark on a major tidy up operation on both the cemetery and chapel at the main cemetery beside the Croft, as well as the closed graveyard beside St Cuthbert’s Church. Work by volunteers on repainting the cemetery railings came to a halt halfway through because of Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.


Ian Warburton

At the next meeting of Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association, being held at 11am on Thursday, March 18, the speaker will be Peter Jorysz. Peter is the Minister at Stocksfield Baptist Church and is a well-regarded speaker on many subjects, as well as a popular preacher. He will be talking about the “The Novels of E.M. Forster.” Known as Morgan, E.M. Forster was born in London on January 1 1879 and died in Coventry on June 7 1970. He was a British novelist, essayist and social and literary critic. His fame rests largely on his novels Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924) and on a large body of criticism. The meeting will be via Zoom so, if you would like to attend, please send your message to the group on the Facebook page Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association and the group will send you the invite.


Ian Warburton

Prudhoe Co-op car park will be closed from 1pm on Sunday, March 14 for the remainder of the day for resurfacing high-traffic areas and relining the entire car park.

Please be advised that Prudhoe Town Council’s grant aid for the coming financial year is now open for applications. The application form and guidelines are available on the town council website, Please note that the closing date for applications is Wednesday, March 31.

The Prudhoe Gardeners’ Association is seeking additional committee members. Anyone with an interest in allotment gardening who would like to contribute some time and skills to the organisation should contact The allotments have played an important role during the Covid lockdown in providing people with a safe and fulfilling outlet for outdoor activity, healthy eating, good mental health and social networking. Please consider contributing your time.

Redesdale - Emma Anderson

The Rede, Tyne and Coquet Sports & Leisure Centre in Otterburn can now offer The Football Association Playmakers Course. The training course, which includes an introduction to coaching, is funded by Simplyhealth, a provider of affordable, accessible health plans, with the support of Sported, a UK-wide charity promoting fairness and equity for young people through grassroots sport and physical activity. If you would like to be involved in a new, inclusive football club at the centre, or find out more, please telephone Georgie Kenny, activity development officer, on 07918 581553 or email her at

Kirkharle Lake and Courtyard hosted its first 10km trail run on a wet, cold and blustery day in December. It was managed brilliantly by Run Nation, which organises runs across the country. The conditions on the day more than suited the adult runners and credit is due to the children who happily completed a 2km run in the same conditions. Given its success, the team at Kirkharle is delighted that Run Nation has booked three more events, the first on Sunday, May 9. To register for the 10km or 2km run, please visit either or

Acomb - Julie Foster

Full-fibre internet is coming to Acomb! Wefibre is promising free connection for residents, small to medium sized (SME) businesses and other organisations if you sign up by March 31 to their high speed 1 Gbps fibre network. There will be a monthly charge but a 30-day free trial is being offered without commitment. Look out for an article about this in the Hexham Courant! For additional details, including how to sign up, go to

An electronic (Zoom) meeting of Acomb Parish Council will be held at 7pm on Wednesday, March 17. Residents wishing to attend should contact the parish clerk ( or 01434 634397) for log in details. Any questions to the parish council, from residents, should be submitted to the parish clerk at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Acomb News has now been circulated throughout the Acomb parish community. Inevitably, some houses may have been omitted. Extra copies can be found at the Post Office, during normal opening hours.

Wylam - Robin Piette

Spring is springing, the daffodils are appearing, and the sun is mostly shining! Things are definitely getting better.

Our first school’s PTFA is appealing for donations of books for the school’s free reader library, for children aged eight plus. There is a long list on What’s on in Wylam, including Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, Harry Potter and Charlotte’s Web. Have a look through your shelves!

News: The Fox and Hounds has an offer of tea for two to take away for Mothers’ Day; Our hardworking pharmacist Andrew has just had his 50th birthday and was astonished at the response from the village; Spaces are available at 1st Wylam Beavers; There’s been a worrying landslip near the station car park.

Northumberland County Council is warning residents to be aware of several council tax scams via phone, letter and email claiming to be from Government Digital Services Team advising residents of their eligibility to a council tax reduction. They are asked to follow a link to claim their reduction, and at this point are asked for their bank details. Beware!