What is happening in your area?

Bardon Mill

Bob & Mike Ducker

Well done to the Bowes which got Bardon Mill on to GMB, Channel 4 and the tabloids for its reopening, thanks to the genius ‘ordering food in the snow’ video and its social media clout. Well played by Ian and Terri-Lou. And now that we have the sound of laughter back on the green, next to come will be the clink of quoits, due to restart May 19!

A rather different video with Andrew Birley reintroduces us to Vindolanda and its latest excavation news (google Roman Vindolanda: An Introduction 2021). The car park is also one place now to pick up the AD122 bus nine times a day every day between Hexham and Haltwhistle via The Sill now it’s summer. The bus also makes one stop in Bardon Mill by the Bowes first thing, at 8.54am, and last thing too.

Important to note the closing of Acomb Post Office which means we have lost an hour from our post van visits – just 8.30am to 9.30am now on Tuesday and Thursday. Still until 10.30am on Mondays and Fridays.

And while the parish council has put up notices around Redburn Park reminding folk to clean up their dogs’ doings (next parish council meeting is 11 May), Henshaw Nursery has been doing litter picks with its older ones so it might place a relevant sign by the public bench near there too.


Jean Conteh

If you were wandering about the village last Friday or Tuesday wearing a battered rain hat and an old gaberdine, you may have been offered a walk-on part in the scenes for ‘Vera’, which ITV was filming near the shop and on the green. Now all we need to do is watch the next series to see if we can spot when Matfen gets its 15 minutes of fame.

The village hall is getting busy – Matfen Parish Council will be holding its first meeting in the hall for a long time, on May 11, beginning at 7 pm. This will be the council’s annual meeting, and residents of the parish are encouraged to attend. There’ll be a new chairman and some new councillors. The council also has a smart new website which brings local information together – check out https://matfenparish.org

The following week, Hope Yoga is delighted to be returning, from Tuesday, May 18, between 6.45pm-7.45pm, with a progressive six-week yoga series for ‘Beginners and Improvers’. The classes will be focusing on a simple, calming mindful practice, while improving strength, flexibility and mobility. Please contact Clare for further details on 07956 407905 or visit www.hope-yoga.com.

Our neighbours in Great Whittington are reaching out via a new group, which is hoping to help rebuild community spirit as we come through the covid crisis. They’re planning to hold events, and to develop friendships through helping each other and having fun. Have a look at the website: gwfriends.org and send a message if you’d like to join in.

Last but not least, Frost’s Fish and Chip van will be making their next visit to Matfen on Monday May 10 between 5pm-6 pm. If, like me, you’re further up the road, you can also catch them in Kirkheaton at 6.30pm.

Allen Valleys

Robert Philipson

The deadline for an oil delivery through the Allendale Oil Buying Cooperative for a May delivery is 12 noon on Tuesday 11th May. Telephone 07770 272130 or email oilorderfawside@gmail.com.

Last Saturday there was a fantastic effort by the Allendale Community Fire Station crew carrying a generator from the station to the Allendale Chimneys against the chief fire officers from Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service for their Typhoo “Brew with a Crew” event. The aim was to raise money for the Firefighters Charity. For those that missed this event, disappointment, as the general feeling of the fire crew was that this was a challenge they would never do again.

Isaac’s Tea Trail has been listed at number three of 10 in The Guardian’s Travel Section of “Great British Walking Trails”. Highlighted was the helpful signage, the outstanding scenery and the settlements with refreshments on the 37 mile route. It was pointed out the route starts at Isaac’s Well in Allendale and let’s hope the planners take note of a concern from residents and the parish council about the continued water supply to this well which could be at threat from a proposed housing development in the field the supply originates from.

Carol Davison’s art gallery has opened in Unit 6 at Allen Mill. Featuring her own varied landscapes from Northumberland to the foothills of the Himalayas together with portraits of people from Northumberland, Tibet , India and China. As well as exhibiting her own works she will also be showing those of Paul Stangroom. Opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday 11-5.

Please send any contributions to his column for next week by Sunday 6pm and sent to robert.philipson@btconnect.com or telephone 01434 685266.


Robin Piette

Wylam Community Orchard is pleased to say that regular fortnightly volunteer sessions have re-started, next meeting Sunday 16th May, from 2-4pm. All are once again welcome, including children accompanied by an adult. Tasks include weeding and mulching around the fruit trees, removing a stubborn tree stump, general site maintenance and enjoying the early blossom and wildflowers. Social distancing and hygiene will be observed, so please bring your own tools if possible and avoid sharing snacks or drinks. They look forward to welcoming you back, whether next weekend or at future sessions.

There’s an Adventure Trail around Wylam! The trail is ‘live’ for one week beginning this bank holiday weekend. To begin, simply head down to the Methodist Church for your adventure sheet and first clue. There are 11 clues to find in total! The whole route is approx 1km which you can do in one go or through the week. For more details or to ask a question simply call 07421018976. Enjoy!

Two worthy appeals: The river bank is collapsing and putting Tom & Joe’s and two homes at risk of collapse. The high water from some serious storms is washing the path away and the council are dragging their feet. Something needs doing urgently. There is a local petition to save our riverbank and a great family business that has been in our village for years. Please sign the online petition and let’s hope our councillors and Northumberland County Council take notice: online.northumberland.gov.uk.

Alison Malcolm and Marion Cassidy are doing the 300 miles in a month Cycle Challenge to celebrate their 70th birthdays, in aid of Cancer Research and looking for sponsorship. fundraise.cancerresearch.org.

There are free books to take outside Paul’s To Go, near the menu board.

Wylam Institute wishes to thank all the members who have paid their subscription by Standing Order or by taking it to the Institute Office. They hope to combine their annual members coffee morning with the AGM on a date to be announced.


Helen Savage

Well done to all those who braved icy downpours in the annual litter pick around the parish last weekend – a labour of love, if ever there was.

Slaley, Healey and Hexhamshire Community Environment Group meet on Wednesday 12 May by Zoom. I’m sure Pat Wilson will be pleased to give you details: pat.wislon28@outlook.com.

This climate crisis hurts us all. But people living in poverty fight the worst of it every day. This is the theme of Christian Aid Week which begins on 10 May. Normal events are still not possible so we’ve organised a fabulous, fun, video quiz. All you have to do is watch the video, try to recognise 10 of the world’s wine growing regions, email your answers to me, along with a donation to Christian Aid and the winner will receive a bottle of fine wine from one of the 10 regions – from Slaley Shop. If you’d like to take part, please email me: helensavage1@gmail.com

As life edges slowly towards normality on 17 May live events may return to the Commemoration Hall. If you’d like to book the hall, please contact Stella: stellacdouglas@gmail.com to book. Other, regular events will begin again soon too. Please contact Fran Pugh (01434 673429) and Carol Ferguson (01434 673585) if you’d like to take up (again) respectively badminton or exercise to music.

And finally, we have a new caretaker for the Commemoration Hall - Katie Stevens. Reg and Dorothy will be a hard act to follow, but we’re in safe hands.


Ian Warburton

On Saturday 15 May, at the conclusion of Christian Aid Week, there will be a takeaway Big Brekkie at the Parish Hall, Front St, from 9:00 to 11:00am. If the weather allows it, there may be tables on the grass outside.

You may be wondering what the position is with regard to council meetings in May. I haven’t forgotten about these but there are one or two details currently being sorted. I hope to be able to provide an update next week.

If you have any items for inclusion, you can email me on ianwarburton25@gmail.com, phone or text me on 07796 820893 or send a private message to my Facebook page.