Find out what is happening in your area.


Maurice Holliday

Please take care particularly if you are walking a dog along any of the four public footpaths that lead from the village. At this time of year cattle are excited to be on fresh grass and those with young are quite nervous and protective. Kindly note that the bridge at the east end of the village is not a public right of way and according to a local land agent neither are areas of set aside. NCC as yet have been unable to cut back overgrown vegetation on the path to Wylam near Horsley Banks and the two paths from Horsley Hills to Northside. Hopefully all reported faults around the parish will be rectified shortly. Farmers are obliged to reinstate public rights of way once crops come through and ensure the legal width of paths from boundaries are correct. The safest route at present to avoid cattle is the path following the old A69 road at Horsley Barns. Paths that need reinstating are those already mentioned as well as the path between Horsley Marsh and the A69 roundabout and the two paths that cross Gallow Hill between Horsley and Ovingham.

The Hearth hall has been refurbished and a new kitchen fitted. The hall will be open for bookings from May 17th. Cosmetic work around the new church steps is also finished although work on the church and Hearth roof is still awaiting completion.

The new tenants at the Lion and Lamb are working hard to have the public house in good shape for reopening on May 24th. Drinks will be served on the first night and meals will be served from May 25th.


Herbie Newell

Photographs are required for the 2022 Humshaugh Calendar the theme of which is “Round and About Humshaugh”. Digital copies (landscape orientation) of photographs of the village or its surrounds should be sent to Richard Hewitt ( Tel. 681587) by the end of June.

Following the installation of new signs on the gates into the wood used by Forest School on The Square to Haughton Lane footpath, the problem of dog mess has improved substantially. The “poosters” were drawn by the children and are works-of-art! Staff, volunteers and children at Humshaugh First School are extremely grateful to dog owners in the Village for helping to address the very unpleasant problem.

Planning for this year’s Humshaugh Harvest Show is now well underway. The Show will be on Saturday 11 September and as in previous years there will be a wide range of competitions for both adults and children. There is still time to sow seeds for the pumpkin and sunflower competitions and free packets of seeds are available in the Village Shop.

Congratulations to Humshaugh Cricket Club on an excellent start to the season. Humshaugh are front runners in Division One of the West Tyne Cricket League, and it is great to see our club doing so well.

Humshaugh First School are delighted to report that ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for younger children will resume after half term on Wednesday mornings.

The main Sunday Worship for St Peter’s Church continues to be an online Deanery Service at 10.00am, please contact


Rob Tindall

Warden Parish Council is seeking to co-opt two councillors. Three former councillors did not seek re-election and John Martin has joined, leaving two vacancies. Details can be found on the council noticeboard at the Garage. At their first meeting the council spent time discussing the water supply to the allotments, the timely cutting of roadside hedges and clearing of undergrowth beneath them. Councillor Robson had done a lot of work on possible replacement and augmentation of signage for Warden and Fourstones. This would be finessed before submission to the County Council. The litter pick has been set for Sunday 6th June, meeting at the Beacon at 10am.

In common with many other hostelries and restaurants the Red Lion has reopened for drinks and food. It is open every day but times vary slightly and if you are planning to have a meal, it might be advisable to contact Andy and Sue in advance. (Tel: 01434 674226).

A reminder: The Annual Parish meeting for the parish of Warden with Newbrough will be held in St. Aidan’s, Fourstones on 30th May at 10.30 am, immediately following the morning service.

Kevin Hilton’s friends on Facebook have been enjoying some superb photographs of birds he has taken, during time spent on the riverbank. Mallard, sand martins, a robin and a yellow wagtail all feature. An album which certainly deserves a wider audience. Many more people will already have enjoyed the amazing display of cowslips on the river embankment between Hardhaugh and the Boatside.


Malcolm Cairns

The Parish Council’s Scarecrow Competition held last year in Ovingham attracted 73 entries. Because of this success it has been decided that the event will be held annually. The theme this year will be film and television characters. Have your creations on display from the 12th of June and judging will take place on the 19th and 20th.

Energise Dance Classes are starting up again in the Reading Room on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. All ages catered for and bookings via their facebook page are being taken now.

Ovingham Mothers’ Union are hopeful their annual “Tea Party” will go ahead at St Mary’s Church on June the 23rd 1.30pm until 3.30pm. It may well be held outdoors depending on the weather and of course Goverment guidelines.

The Pavillion building on the playing field has been treated with “anti-climb paint” after recent reports of people climbing on the roof. Warning notices notifying the use of this deterrent have been put in place by the Parish Council.

The AGM of the Ovingham Parish Council will be held today Thurs.20th.,at 7.15pm in the main hall of the reading room.Members of the public are invited to attend.Please note restrictions will be in place including the wearing of masks.

U North Tyne

Sarah Hallberg

The Boe Rigg is now open for diners wishing to eat inside (you may need to book a table in advance), and will be following the government’s strict ‘rule of six’ guidelines. Of course, hardy souls are still very welcome to eat outside, and the usual rules apply wherever you choose to eat: please wait to be seated until you are asked to do so (this gives the staff the chance to sanitise the tables for you – there are signs to tell you which tables are still awaiting sanitisation) and it will be waiter service only. Hopefully, the rules will be relaxed in five weeks, but in the meantime, please be patient – the owners and staff are working their hardest to make sure you stay safe and things may take a little longer than usual.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to let me know if you have anything you would like to see published in the Courant’s Village Notes (via email You will need to let me have your news/events/etc. by close of play on the Sunday before the Thursday paper goes out each week. Please don’t assume I will automatically find out about news and event. I’d much rather have two or three people telling me about the same event than miss out something important for the area.

Bardon Mill

Bob & Mike Ducker

Let’s take a moment to recognise the impressive run of football Bardon Mill Bowes Lyons have given us this year. Undefeated with recent wins over Haydon Bridge and Haltwhistle Railway, and notable winning scores including 7-2 and 9-1. What a year! The next fixture is home to Riding Mill on 30 May and there’s still time for glory hunters to join the bandwagon.

Our local venues are allowing us back inside again! The Bowes is open 7 days a week from 12 (social distancing rules still apply, and rule of six, or 2 families to a table, with booking in advance appreciated).

And until someone else comes forward I’ll claim our first hearing of a local cuckoo as 11th May by the footbridge over the river.

Any info to share, email us on


Ian Warburton

The Royal British Legion celebrate its centenary this year. The public is asked to celebrate in turn by knitting at least 600 poppies, to be displayed in the Glade from the beginning of July. Call into Co-op Funeralcare or Ready Steady Knit in Front St to collect a pattern. Wool can be supplied if this is needed.

Warm wishes to members of Prudhoe Town Council as they take up their posts following the recent elections. I look forward to hearing more of your activities in the time to come.


Julie Foster

The Great British Spring Clean is happening in Acomb on Saturday 5 June between 10am to 12md, an Opportunity to make Acomb an even better place to live! Meet at the Village Hall at 10am to collect equipment and choose an area to clear. Some equipment is available but if you have sturdy gloves, litter pickers and/or Hi Viz jackets, bring them along. Rubbish bags will be provided. Covid-19 Guidance will be followed. Come along! All welcome! Contact 01434 609567 or via for any further information.


Emma Anderson

JEAN Turnbull wishes to thank all those who gave donations towards the commemorative Weeping Cherry tree and plaque in memory of Elsie Kinghorn. £70 has already been donated, with further contributions expected. The commemorative plaque, made and engraved by Slate and Nature of West Woodburn, has been received and will be placed beside the tree at Otterburn Millennium Green when both are formally dedicated in Elsie’s memory in the near future.


Hugh Denholm

Thanks to all who supported, and the two Claires and helpers at the Bacon Butties Stall at the Stable at Chollerton Church on Saturday. Over £400 was raised for Christian Aid. Everyone had an enjoyable time, despite the temperature!

Church services continue on Zoom with occasional services at churches throughout the North Tyne. There will be a service at St. Giles Chollerton on Sunday 23 May at 8.30 a.m.