AN AERIAL installation of origami angels placed above the Choirstalls of the Hexham Abbey is taking shape.

The angels symbolise those whose lives have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; this may involve remembering lives lost in the last year or celebrating those who have helped others - it could be an NHS professional who has stood out, a key worker or any individual or group who has helped in any way during the recent challenging times.

The installation has been organised by Hexham Abbey and funded by a Culture Recovery Fund grant.

The hanging of the angels began on Monday this week (June 21).

Members of the public will be able to view the installation from this Saturday (June 26) during Abbey opening hours.

The event was going to coincide with Hexham’s Big Day Out, which has been postponed after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a four-week delay to the lifting of all legal restrictions on social contact.

England was due to move to stage four of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown on June 21.

Cath Newson, fundraising manager for Hexham Abbey, said many individuals, schools and community groups have got involved.

Workshops where people could make the angels also took place in May half-term.

She said there has been “really lovely” tributes and dedications.

“It’s really quite moving,” said Cath.

Angels have been made by people visiting the area from as far as Hampshire.

Cath added: “It’s really captivated people’s imaginations.”

The Abbey are raising funds for the Great North Air Ambulance and Tynedale Hospice at Home.

There will be contactless donation points for people to donate whilst they visit the installation.

Until Friday (June 25), members of the public who wish to dedicate an angel to be included in the installation can visit the Abbey from 10am-4pm.