An organisation which campaigns for a better future has called for more local spending.

Tynedale Transformed is asking companies, services, communities and individuals to conduct business in a different way and ‘spend more locally’ ahead of its upcoming series of events which begins on Sunday, July 11.

The idea is based on ‘The Preston Model’ where the city’s economy has been transformed by focusing on promoting local businesses, supporting wealth management and improving working conditions.

Discussions on the Preston Model will begin at the first event ‘Read all about it – Building shared values’, which will be held online at 11am on Sunday.

John Hill, organiser said: “The aim is to persuade companies and major spending organisations in an area – like the council, hospitals, schools and colleges – to procure goods and services locally and to promote good practice in working conditions – like paying the minimum wage.

“In Preston, the amount of money spent locally has increased by more than sixty per cent to £112m since 2013. And four thousands more employees in Preston now receive the living wage.

“It’s a different approach – and there’s no reason why it should increase costs. The ‘Preston Model’ can operate within current competition rules which only require contracts to put out ot open tender when they are above £180k for goods, or £4m for works.

“We believe a lot more can be done to support the economy in Tynedale. We have so many great businesses here and we all need to support them, just as they need to support our communities, in order for us to all grow together.”

Tickets for the event are available at