A FIFTH of people living in the North-East say their self-esteem has decreased compared with pre-pandemic levels.

19 per cent of respondents, however, say their self-esteem has increased according to new report ‘The Way we are Now 2021’ released by relationships charity Relate and eharmony during Relationships Week (5-11 July).

The report combines insights from counsellor focus groups and consumer polling, as well as website and service data.

Research found adults across the UK recognise the importance of good self-esteem, with almost two thirds (64 per cent) of adults surveyed agreeing self-esteem is linked to success in a romantic relationship – this dropped to 53 per cent for those living in the North-East.

Relate North-East is now using Relationships Week to encourage people to work on themselves.

Relate counsellor Holly Roberts said: “A positive and balanced view of yourself is critical to overall wellbeing and building strong relationships of all kinds.

“It’s great that just under a fifth of people in the North-East feel their self-esteem has increased but for others it has taken a big hit. As we focus on ‘getting back out there’, don’t forget to take some time to also focus on yourself.”