
Ruth Marlee

A last minute reminder that Whitley St Helen’s Church will be holding an open day on Saturday 4th September between 10am -2pm in aid of church funds. There will be stalls for Cakes, Jams and Chutneys, Crafts, New and Old Jewellery and Plants. There will be an exhibition of Church activities during the last few years and refreshments will be available; all of course in compliance with COVID restrictions. Our vicar, Andrew Patterson, and all the wardens have worked so hard to keep the church safe and welcoming. As restrictions have been relaxed there have been many weddings, christenings and some funerals. Volunteers clean the church meticulously, and the “Ladies of the Church” ensure the most beautiful and appropriate flower displays. The Open Day is a chance to acknowledge their efforts, see what has been going on in the last few months, and perhaps contribute to some much needed funds. Anyone who is able to contribute items for the stalls, can email sthelenswhitleychapel@aol or leave a message on 01434 673762.

Community News can be sent to hexhamshirenotes@gmail.com by the Friday before publication

Matfen village

Jean Conteh

There’s a new sport starting up in the village that sounds just the thing for those of us who find that running around too quickly can cause the blood to rush to the head – Michael Derham is bringing Walking Football home to Matfen. He promises a relaxing and sociable time on Monday evenings, starting on September 6th at 6.30 pm. Everyone welcome, both men and women. So if you feel it’s for you, Michael is looking forward to seeing you on the cricket field this coming Monday. Just turn up on the night or let Michael know you’re coming via the village Facebook page.

At the same time as the walking footballers are strolling round the pitch, Clare Burns will be starting her third series of ‘Beginners and Improvers’ feel good Hatha Yoga in Matfen Village Hall. All are welcome to the series of six sessions, which start at 6.45 pm on the 6th. Clare is asking that you book ahead to make sure of your space, on www.hope-yoga.com or phone 07956407905.

And don’t forget that this Saturday is the first in the month, so it’s the regular coffee morning in Great Whittington village hall, from 10.30. As well as the usual coffee, cakes and conversation, there’ll be a table top sale with toys, books, horse riding kit, and more.

Allen Valley

Robert Philipson

Congratulations to Joe Crellin on completing 50 munros in 7 days and in doing so raising £11,000 for MND research. 45,111 ft ascent, 126.5 miles and 33 hours 40 minutes of running/climbing time in 7 days. Thanks to the manager of Glen Shee Ski Centre, who transported Kerry and David to the top of Cairnwell in an all-terrain buggy they were there to meet Joe on his final peak. Allendale Fire Crew will be taking on the National 3 Peaks Challenge, finishing within 24 hours. The aim is to start the challenge at the foot of Ben Nevis, this Friday at 5pm. They will hike to the peak and return by 10pm when they will set off for the Lake District. On arrival hopefully before 4am on Saturday they will then ascend Scafell Pike, getting back to the bus for 8am and setting off for their final peak which will be Snowdon. Hopefully the crew will start the ascent of Snowdon by 1pm and aim to climb up and descend before 5pm the 24 hour deadline. Special mention to Baynes Taxis for supplying the transport and to Nigel Baynes for also sharing the chauffeuring. Hopefully there will be no injuries and good weather to accompany them. This is to raise money to support the work the Fire Fighters Charity do and donations can be made through their Just Giving Page. This weekend on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th Carrshield Village Hall or hosting a craft fair. Cakes, coffees, teas, bacon butties and a raffle and of course lots of crafts. Opening each day at 10am till 4pm why not get your Christmas shopping in early.

For any items to be included in these notes please email me at robert.philipson@btconnect.com or telephone 01434 685266 by 6pm Sunday.

Heddon On The Wall

John Stewart

Heddon Community Library plans to reopen to the public on Tuesday 7th September 1pm til 4pm, Wednesdays 10am til Noon, Fridays 1pm til 4pm and Saturdays 10am til Noon. If you are not a current member of the library, you are encouraged to join up as they have a wide variety of books, online services, magazines and ebooks available. The library volunteers continue to do an incredible job in running the library who we are most grateful for giving up their time and efforts. We are all aware of the phrase ‘If you don’t use it, we will lose it’.

Thank you to the organisers of the “Heddon Is Open” event last Saturday offering teas, coffees and cakes. It gave a great opportunity for residents and visitors to the village to see what Heddon has to offer. The event was seen to be a great success with many using the opportunity to explore and catch up with friends and creating new ones at the same time. Not only were people seen to be smiling but we also had the great delight of sunshine and warm weather. Once again, thank you to everyone who attended and those who organised the event. You did Heddon extremely proud.

It was a true blessing to enter the doors of Heddon Methodist Chapel last Sunday morning led by Rosemary Gray from Ponteland. It was with great joy and love to see familiar faces back inside the Chapel and gave an opportunity for us to welcome new faces to the congregation, some who are new residents to the parish. Services at the Methodist Chapel are held every Sunday at 10:30am and you would be made very welcome if you attend.

A huge belated congratulations to all the students from Heddon who have recently received their GCSE and A-Level results. You have all done an outstanding through what has been a difficult year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A massive Well Done from me!

And finally, I would like to wish all the children, teachers and staff at Heddon Primary School all the very best for the school year commencing next week and hoping it is another very successful year of education.