RESIDENTS are continuing to campaign for extra safety measures along the B6318 know locally as Military road after numerous accidents have taken place, it is estimated that approximately 16 accidents have taken place in the last 2-3 years. 

Since the article residents have been citing their concerns about the speed on the road and reacting to the campaign.

Agreeing with the local campaign, Pat Turner said: "It's disgusting the speed people come through there, a speed camera would do the trick!!!"

Lucy Kempson commented saying: "The school bus stops directly on the Military Road in Harlow Hill in a 40mph zone - not sure what warrants a lower speed restriction but would have thought that would qualify. If not what about the thousands of walkers who "enjoy" the Hadrians wall route every year. Pedestrians + 40mph traffic (if that's even acknowledged) - going to end in tragedy."

To which Daniel Proudlock replied "the taxpayer has paid millions of pounds to build them a footpath. Yet they still insist on walking on the road the whole length of the military road mind. If you had a 30mph limit you’d twist wanting a 20."

Richard Lockey criticised the report and the campaign and said: "Just a load of townie incomers moving into the countryside moaning about everything. I lived and worked there for 40 years never a problem."

Andy Clayton, local campaigner responded to Richard and said: "Ulgham Northumberland born and raised. You have someone on a stretcher in your dining room and see a resident of the village in a wheelchair because of an accident 6 months ago and it changes your mind."

Louis Wake added his support for the campaign saying: "I built that wall and can tell you it's dicey as out on that little path with people flying past you at 60mph +. Never mind kids walking up and down it."