Here's a weekly round-up of news from your community. 

John Stewart
WHAT incredibly spook-tacular gardens and house decorations we had last weekend in Heddon for the Halloween Trail throughout the village. Despite the early rainfall during the day and into the evening, it didn't dampen the spirits of the youngsters who gathered in their numbers to participate in trick or treating. Thank you to all the residents and families who ensured that the enjoyment of trick and treating was done in a safe Covid environment.
DON'T forget you can drop off your glass bottles at Heddon Post Office in the recycling bins provided within the car park. These bins are emptied on a regular basis. With your contribution of recycling your glass bottles it can be hugely beneficial and extremely environmentally friendly.
THIS Saturday (November 6) Heddon Methodist Chapel have another guest speaker, David Stapler, gracing the men's fellowship. The Men's Fellowship occurs on the first Saturday of each month and they gather both at the Chapel at Heddon and on zoom at 10am. You will all be made very welcome.
THIS weekend as expected the skies across the Tyne Valley and throughout Tynedale will be lit up and I don't expect it to be from the sun, but certainly with all the fireworks. I hope that you all have a safe weekend this bonfire weekend and I would encourage you to attend local organised bonfires and firework displays where applicable and if you decide to set off your own fireworks off, to respect your neighbours and their pets. Stay safe, one and all.

Robin Piette
MEN at Home are meeting on Wednesday, November 10 at 10.30am in the Methodist Church Centre (refreshments from 10.10am) to hear Steve Cox on The Hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 181. All men welcome.
ON Saturday, November 13 there’s an Autumn Fair at the Methodist Centre from 10am to 12 noon in aid of the Hadrian School, which cares for children with severe disabilities. One mum said: “It is the one place I can leave my child knowing she is safe, cared for and loved!” If you can support in any way by donating to the tombola, gift stall, cake stall of by buying raffle tickets please contact Brenda Newbegin 7 Falcon Terrace Tel. 852862.  Above all please come and enjoy a cup of coffee!
WYLAM Makers Market will be at the Institute on Sunday, November 7 from 10am-4pm with beautiful presents for Christmas from local designers, crafts people and food traders, with winter warmers including mulled cider and mulled wine, hot chocolate and maybe even hotdogs and toffee apples!
WYLAM Community Orchard are having a stall there selling their delicious crab apple jelly made for them by the Ship Inn. There’ll be information about the Orchard and wildflower meadow and a chance to renew or commence your membership. Subs are £5 individual, £10 family which entitle you to a share of the fruit crop.
ANDY Haddon's bakery is now called Big River Bakery and it is featured on the Hairy Bikers BBC2 Saturday series 'Go North' on Thursday, November 11 at 7 pm!
COP26 and climate issues are in the news. What can we do locally? On Saturday, November 20 from 11am-1pm at the Institute, Wylam Parish Council is running a Climate Action Event, with a range of stalls on different aspects of climate and sustainability, speakers and a film.
ABOUT this year’s Poppy Appeal: because of the continuing risk of Covid it has been decided that this year’s campaign will repeat last year’s strategy, i.e. there will be no house to house collections. Collection cans and poppy boxes will be available in the local shops, cafe's and pubs. There are two enamel pins this year, the usual date pin, 2021, and as this year is the 100th anniversary of the Poppy Appeal inauguration, there is a special celebration pin, both limited in number. The annual pin is shared out amongst the Poppy boxes, but for the centenary pin ring Maurice McNicholas on 852308, first come first served.

Upper North Tyne
Sarah Hallberg
A QUICK reminder that tomorrow night is Bonfire Night and the Kielder Village Bonfire & Firework Display starts at 6pm, with the firework display starting at 7pm.  There will be a BBQ, and refreshments will be available, so if you’re going along, wrap up warmly, take a chair with you if needed and enjoy the evening.
TONIGHT'S First Thursday Films screening will be “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” - a moving and fascinating French biographical drama based on the true memoir of Elle editor, Jean-Dominique Bauby, which documents his life following a massive stroke that left him with a condition known as locked-in syndrome. Doors and bar open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
TICKETS for BADDS’ Christmas production of Whisky Galore are now on sale at the Country Store in Bellingham (no online or telephone bookings are available for this production). Due to Covid-19 safety measures, ticket numbers are somewhat limited for this production, so early booking is advised. The performances will take place in Bellingham Town Hall on Weds 1st, Thurs 2nd, Fri 3rd and Sat 4th December and should be just the thing to get you in the mood for the start of the holiday season! Doors and bar will open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
IF you have any local news you would like to see publicised in the Village Notes, the email address to send your info to is:  I need info by the end of Sunday for inclusion in Thursday’s paper.

Julie Foster
A REMINDER that Let's Sing Group is on Tuesday mornings, starting with coffee/tea at 10.15am in Acomb Village Hall. If you want to know more, contact 01434 607490 or

Allen Valleys
Robert Philipson
THE deadline for a November delivery of oil through the Allen Valleys Oil Buying Co-operative is noon on Tuesday, November 9. Telephone 07770 272130 or email
THIS Sunday, High Forest Praise will take place at the High Forest Community Centre, Sinderhope at 2:30pm. Refreshments will follow the service and everyone is welcome. A reminder that we have a ramp entrance around the back of the centre for anyone wanting to avoid the steps.
ON Monday, November 8, Catton WI will be gathering at Catton Village Hall 7:15pm. The speaker is Liesbeth Langford who is speaking about her childhood under occupation.
ON Sunday, November 14, Remembrance Day, Acts of Remembrance will take place in the Allen Valleys to the following timetable. Allenheads Memorial 10 am, Allendale Lych Gate 10:45am, Keenley Memorial 12:30pm and Whitfield Memorial at 4pm.
THE November Exhibition in The Forge Studios this November is called “Diversity in the Making” and features three works from artists in Cumbria. Eileen Anderson, Jenny Higgins and Kay Leech have collaborated to create an eclectic exhibition which celebrates their diverse styles and approaches to art. Eileen produces contemporary landscape pieces representing the feeling of a time or space through mixed media abstract paintings based on local landscapes and the natural world. She has successfully shown her work at a number juried exhibitions in Cumbria, Newcastle and London. Jenny is a landscape artist who works mainly in oils and pastels, using colour and light to interpret the energy and atmosphere observed in land, sea and snow. Her work has been selected locally for the Upfront Gallery and Lake Artists Society Open Exhibitions and shown in Cumbria, Northumberland and the South West. Kay is a quilter and embroiderer producing highly textured pieces which frequently incorporate found objects when walking in the Cumbrian landscape. She has been awarded prizes at the Scottish Quilting Show and the Contemporary Quilt Group. Her work has also been shown in the Upfront Gallery and shown in Cumbria and Northumberland.
ANY items for the notes contact me at or telephone 01434 685266 by 6pm Sunday.

Matfen and Great Whittington
Jean Conteh
TO honour those members of the parish who have died in war, there will be a brief Act of Remembrance on Thursday, November 11 at the War Memorial on Matfen village green, starting at 10.55am. Then the annual Remembrance Service will be in St Mary’s Church, Stamfordham on Sunday, November 14, beginning at 10.30am, followed by a curry lunch in Stamfordham village hall. If you haven’t already done so, you still just about have time to book your place - contact Rev Rachel before Friday, November 12: or 01661 886853.
THERE'S another event from the Highlights Rural Touring Scheme coming up in Great Whittington village hall on Saturday, November 27, beginning at 7.30 pm. It’s called ‘Long Lost Home’ and features Daria Kulesh. The write-up sounds fascinating - ‘with her striking voice and strong Russian and Ingush heritage, Dariah mixes personal history and folklore to take you on an engaging, enchanting and uplifting journey to a land of immense beauty and harrowing tragedy’. She explores her family roots in this critically acclaimed rural touring show. Tickets are £10, and there’s a 2-for-1 offer for 16-35 year-olds. They can be bought on the Highlights website: or from Emma Young, in person, or on 07814 677 554. Highlights aim to present vibrant, entertaining and thought-provoking cultural activities to enrich the lives of people in rural communities across the North of England, and this one certainly feels as if it will fit the bill.

Emma Anderson
THE Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St John’s, Otterburn, is appealing for an organist or pianist to play at its Service of Remembrance on Sunday, November 14, starting at 10.30am. If someone, within a reasonable travelling distance of Otterburn, could play three hymns and suitable music before and afterwards, the PCC would be most grateful. Please telephone Rosemary Haynes, St John’s Church Warden, on (01830) 520576.

Herbie Newell
THE Hallowe'en ghost story reading at the Village Hall was well attended and much appreciated; many thanks to Humshaugh Arts Programme for organising the event.
ST Peter's Church bell rang out at 6pm on Saturday, October 30 as part of the nationwide “Ring Out for Climate” initiative. Church and cathedral bells across Britain were rung on the eve of COP26 as a symbol of both warning and hope about climate change.
THE Humshaugh Net Zero meeting tonight at 7pm in the Village Hall is on “Recycling”.  Wendy Fail, Senior Waste Management Officer at Northumberland County Council, will give a presentation on what can and what can’t be recycled.
THE annual Bonfire Night Fireworks are tomorrow (Friday, November 5) at the Playing Field.  Food will be served from 6pm and the fireworks will start at 6.30pm.
THE Humshaugh Parish Council meeting is next Thursday, November 11 at 7pm in the Village Hall. All residents are warmly invited. In addition to routine matters the possibility of Humshaugh developing a Neighbourhood Plan will be discussed. The full agenda and papers are available at
FILM night on Friday, November 12 is the Oscar-winning “Green Book”. Doors open at 7pm and American-themed interval desserts will be served (£2).  Tickets (£5/£2.50) are available in the Village Shop.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Area Dean Revd. Sarah Lunn on her appointment as an Honorary Canon of Newcastle Cathedral in recognition of her service.
THE service at St Peter's this Sunday is a Late@8 service at 8pm.

Birtley Nail
MANY charities have been hard hit by the pandemic, with the  virus putting paid to many popular fund-raising activities in the North Tyne and Redesdale. The jumble sale and lunch organised by the Bellingham branch of the NSPCC were always highly successful events, but both have fallen by the wayside. However, the group is still very much alive, albeit with a much smaller committee, and  members are hoping there will be a good turnout for their coffee morning at The Cheviot on Saturday from 10.30am. A large hamper is being raffled at the event and there will also be NSPCC Christmas cards for sale.
BINGO buffs had a brilliant night at the first eyes down session in the town hall for a couple of years last Wednesday. There was scarcely an empty seat in the hall as dabber devotees did their stuff in pursuit of some fine prizes, mostly donated by local businesses and individuals. The result was a profit of £660.80 which will go some way towards paying for an ambitious programme of refurbishments at the hall. These include repairs to doors, windows and the dance floor as well as repainting the clock tower. The ancient wrought iron fence to the front of the building, which survived the salvage grab of the Second World War, is now in such a dilapidated state it may require total replacement.
DIRTY dog owners beware – you are being watched! Bellingham Parish Council is calling in Northumberland County Council’s dog wardens in response to complaints about the amount of dog fouling in the lane running from the village to the Westlands allotments. Even though there is a prominently sited dog bin in the lane, the problem is so bad the lane has become known as “dog poo alley”, the parish council was told. Anyone not cleaning up after their dog can be fined £100 on the spot, or up to £1,000 if taken to court.

Riding Mill
Carole Craig-Gilby
WELCOME to the first week in November and as the clocks go back, I hope you are coping with that better than me-I do find the simple one hour change puts me off my schedule –maybe it’s just me!
CAFE at the Parish Hall is being held Mondays and Fridays from 10am till 12pm - a note for your diary. On Friday, November 5, there is a Special Coffee morning on behalf of McMillan Cancer Charity do try to come along enjoy a great coffee and home-made cake!
ANOTHER date to remember is the return of the Craft Fair in Parish Hall Saturday, November 13 from 10am until 2pm. Traditionally a great mix of crafters and artisans showing and selling -also the kitchen will be serving refreshments.
ST James' Church are holding a very special Short Silence at 11am on the November 11 at the War Memorial and also on Remembrance Sunday, November 14 at 10am at a Remembrance Day Service in Church. It's such an important time to remember isn’t it and quite wonderful to be part of as a village.
IF you haven't yet done so why not cheer a bleak November afternoon up every Tuesday at 2pm in the Millennium Hall for the super sociable, friendly drop in. It’s a place of welcome and yes dementia awareness is practised as a normal part of getting together but oh what absolute joy there is there and laughter can be heard as folk like me (hopeless at games but willing to try) lose at Scrabble. There is painting and drawing crafts and cups of coffee and tea and lots of home baked goodies (donation only requested). It’s a great place for the spirit and mood.
NOW a note - Holy Mowers will be working throughout November to trim and tidy churchyards not as I published last week. My husband (a member of the team) has asked me to correct this and as always I am happy to.

Hugh Denholm
THE parish council has purchased a “Lest We Forget” silhouette from the British Legion to be placed within the parish. Initially it will be at Chollerton for the purpose of maximum viewing, then parishioners views will be invited as to where it should be sited and if other villages should have one in the future.
IN addition to the Remembrance Ceremonies announced in the current Broadsheet, there will be one at the War Memorial, Chollerton on Sunday, November 14 at 10.50am.

Helen Savage
THE Rose and Crown will be closed between November 9 and 18 for essential maintenance, but lots of great things are planned for the run-up to Christmas. The much-loved Sunday Quiz Night makes a welcome return on November 21 at 8pm and there’s a chance to book a Christmas Party menu for any day between 1 December and Christmas Eve. Booking is essential and is open now. The Rose and Crown, owned by the community, is keen to expand its team of volunteers. Do you fancy taking a turn behind the bar or doing other things to help keep this vibrant show on the road? If so, please contact Ian Stevens:
THURSDAY this week (November 4) is the deadline for anyone (yes, you!) who fancies entertaining the good folk of Slaley in Denis Lumley’s spectacular Christmas production at the Commemoration Hall. If you think you can sing, dance, perform magic tricks, play an instrument, or tell jokes, or if you’d just like to help behind the scenes, please pop down to the Commemoration Hall at 7pm.
LADYCROSS Nature Reserve has managed to get some trees to replace those lost from their lovely avenue. The saplings will arrive in later this month - and the Reserve needs help plant them. Please can you lend a hand? If you can, Joan Jewitt will be only too delighted to hear from you:

Ian Warburton
MICKLEY Social Club is holding a Christmas Craft Fayre on Saturday, November 13, from 11am to 3pm. There are lots of fabulous sellers coming along to help people start, or even finish, their Christmas shopping, with an old-fashioned bran tub for children. Tea, coffee and cake will be available in the snug for an opportunity to meet friends or recharge batteries.
IT'S a welcome return for the Remembrance Day Parade and Act of Remembrance on Sunday, November 14. The Parade will assemble in the United Services (Legion) Car Park at 10.30am and the Act of Remembrance and Laying of Wreaths will take place at the Lych Gate War Memorial at the entrance to St Mary Magdalene Parish Church at 11am. There are no seats left for the following church service but it will be streamed.
LAST year, the Angie Scott Christmas Appeal was a great success because local people and businesses pulled together by donating generously. This made it possible for children, young people and older people to receive a present during the festive season. This year you can support the appeal by donating a gift. Gifts can be dropped off at the Parish Hall Coffee Mornings on a Thursday or Saturday morning between 10am and 12noon or at the Community Hub during its opening hours. The last drop-off date will be Saturday, November 27.

Ian Warburton
STOCKSFIELD Tuesday Club will be hosting a Coffee Morning at the Community Centre on Saturday November, 6 from 10am to 12noon. The Club will be providing refreshments and organising a tombola and has arranged for a small number of local fundraisers to be present, with a small selection of Christmas items for sale. Congratulations to the Club on reaching its 10th anniversary.
THE next meeting of Stocksfield Local History Society will take place at Stocksfield Methodist Church on Wednesday, November 10 from 7:30 to 9:15pm. Graeme Young will speak on Bamburgh Bowl Hole Cemetery: Death and Migration during Northumbria’s Golden Age. Non-members are welcome to attend the meeting. The entrance fee is £3.00. There will be no meeting in December. The following meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 12.
ON Remembrance Sunday, November 14, there will be said 8am and 9.30am Holy Communion services at St Peter's. At 10.55 am there will be a Civic Remembrance Service at St George's, with the 2-minute silence. Also at 10.55 am, a Civic Remembrance Service will take place at Stocksfield War Memorial.

Bardon Mill
Bob and Mike Ducker
REMEMBER remember the fifth of November is the first of the monthly lunches at the Bowes, from 12 onwards. Pensioner portions and prices too, no need to book just turn up and join in the chatter.
PHILIPPA has her usual hand-made card stall (in aid of Beltingham Church) at Haltwhistle Art and Craft Fair on Saturday, November 6 from 10am until 4pm at the Masonic Hall.
AND on both days, November 5 and 6, the wildflower meadow will be begun by volunteers (such as you?) in Beltingham Cemetery from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Come for an hour with your own favourite trowel and snacks. Try let them know beforehand that you are attending: Anne on 684302, or Libby on 344582. 
THE Trip and Treat Fund are organising a Xmas dinner for people 60 + and partners at the Village Hall on Tuesday, December 7 at 12.30pm. A full Xmas dinner and pudding with custard or black forest gateau and cream. It is FREE but must be booked: names to Pamela Robbie on 07867764806 or Anne Barnes  01434 344422 by November 24 please.
FINALLY, our MP's vote to pump raw poo into rivers prompted one correspondent to muse upon Bardon Mill's own distinctive, ahem, aroma as you alight from the train at the sewage works. But while we can't use these Village Notes to promote the nickname Plopperman thanks to this week's contributors- more news (& views) please to

Rob Tindall
MY apologies for my cackhandedness in writing that the St. Peter’s Churchyard clear-up was on October 21, as ‘any fule know’ it is on November 21.
THE big event, from Frankham westwards was the blackout due to a fire on an electricity pole near Allerwash on Wednesday. Four hundred homes were affected, just as pots and ovens were set to make the evening meal. It lasted until about 9pm. There can be no denying that it was inconvenient, but people coped. Take-aways were organised and youngsters were transported back to the time of their grandparents, with candles, board games, no television, and real darkness outside.
THE Remembrance Day Service will take place at 10.30am on November 14 in the Town Hall and at the War Memorial. This year it is the turn of Newbrough and Fourstones Methodist Church to take the service.
THE Stanegate editorial this month touches upon a serious topic which impinges upon all in the community – not just churchgoers. There are three churches and a chapel in the parish. It would be a memorable occasion if there were thirty attenders at any service other than on a special festival such as Easter or Christmas. Do we need four buildings? What would we do with the surplus? These are the questions the writer asks. It will be interesting to see if the community responds since there may only be a small audience for Sunday Worship but the buildings are expected to be there for christenings, weddings and funerals.

Ovingham and Ovington
Malcolm Cairns
THE Reading Room in Ovingham is available to hire for all kinds of activities, parties, performances, dances and as a meeting place for clubs and groups. The venue has recently won a National Lottery grant. This will be used to vastly improve the sound system and acoustics and purchase a new film projector. There are also plans for new disco lighting and even a glitter ball which will surely make your party go with a swing. More info at
THE Chat Club will be busy today (November 4) planting bulbs in the Reading Room at 10.15am. Next week's meeting is on the 11th at the same time for exercise followed by a nice cup of tea and a chinwag. They have an outing to Dobbies of Ponteland planned for the 18th. A chance for members new and old to do a spot of Yuletide shopping. The bus will leave the White Swan car park at 10.30am. Contact Hazel for availability of places.
THE WI has a meeting planned for Monday, November 8, 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Reading Room, new members always welcome.
UPLIFTED Women's Choir will be surely be in good voice when they meet in St Mary's Church on the 10th at 8pm. They also extend a welcome to new members.

Maurice Holliday
YOU can book free tickets on line for the Hearth Winter Fair which is being held over the weekend of November 20 and 21. Details about the event are to be found on the Hearth website.
KATE Fox, poet, author, comedian and regular voice on Radio 4 will be appearing at the Hearth on Thursday, November 18. You can book a ticket on line or visit the Hearth cafe. The event is part of the Highlights rural touring programme.
THE NCC library van visits the village on Wednesday, November 10 at the usual times and stops.
HORSLEY Parish Council hold their bi monthly meeting in the WI hall at 7pm on Monday, November 15. Members of the parish are most welcome to attend and may raise issues at the meeting or email Mandy Senior the parish clerk in advance.
THERE will be a short service of remembrance at the village war memorial on Sunday, November 14. The service begins at 10.45am.
THE Horsley Connections scheme has gone from strength to strength with many new residents joining in last month. The scheme does much to support people in the community offering help and advice to each other.

Ruth Marlee
WHITLEY Chapel Young Farmers Club are organising a bonfire and firework display on Sunday, November 7 on the Whitley Chapel Sports Field. The Bonfire will be lit at 6pm and the fireworks display will start at 6.30pm. There will be hot and cold refreshments including soups and sandwiches. Donations on the gate will go to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Fund and Whitley Chapel Young Farmers Club. This has always been a well organised event which has had to be cancelled for a few years, so we are looking forward to seeing old and new faces again!
THERE were some HORRIBLE faces in Whitley Chapel School at the end of half term when they held a halloween party! A remarkable number of beautifully carved pumpkins made by children and adults created a really spooooooky atmosphere for all the amazing costumes worn by children and adults. There were prizes for the best three costumes and pumpkins but every single person deserved their Spooky Goodie Bag when they left! It is so good to be getting back to fun events again even though there is still a recognised need for extra preventative Covid-19 care.
PLEASE remember a Quiz Night will be held on November13  at 7.30PM in Whitley Chapel Parish Hall. Teams are invited of up to six people. There will be refreshments and a bar; a real bargain at £5. Funds raised will go towards the refurbishment of the hall toilets which starts in January. For tickets contact Dan on 07800932956.