NORTHUMBERLAND'S new youth cabinet and youth parliament members have been declared.

Over 6,000 students between 11 and 18-years-old voted in the youth elections on Thursday, February 17, with votes counted at County Hall in Morpeth later.

Elected to represent Northumberland in the UK Youth Parliament were Rosie Bell and Jack Brodie.

Successful candidates in the Northumberland Youth Cabinet election were Joseph Hayes, Daniel Hunter, Abigail Irwin, William Liddle and Ella Wilbun.

All youth representatives will begin training to understand the roles they play and how they can help shape local decisions in Northumberland. Their official terms begin in March.

Members will represent young people across the county through a variety of events and meetings including the annual sitting - a gathering of youth parliament members from around the country. They will also sit on the joint youth and county council cabinet meeting where their input is valued on key projects for the county.

Cath McEvoy-Carr, executive director for children’s services, said: “I am pleased that, once again, we have had a great turnout at these elections. They are extremely important for local governance.

“It is vital that our young people’s voices are heard, and it is the role of both the Youth Cabinet and Youth Parliament to do this on their behalf and engage with their peers through school and educational settings.”