THE mother of a three-year-old girl with a heart defect has praised a school fundraiser aimed at raising awareness of heart conditions.

Prudhoe West Academy raised over £1,000 for CHUF as part of its Wear Red Day.

The charity supports nursery pupil Emily O'Dwyer, who had heart surgery at just two-weeks-old after her parents found she had a heart condition at a 20-week scan, and her family.

For the first five weeks of her life, Emily did not leave the Newcastle Freeman Hospital and spent time in intensive care.

CHUF funds machinery, runs events and has play facilities. The charity also runs Scott's House where families can stay together.

"I honestly couldn't put into massive words what CHUF means to us because it really is just amazing", said mum Catherine and dad Michael. "It's a massive part of our family, we really hold the charity close for everyting they've done.

"We were so naive; we didn't realise what went on until Emily was diagnosed. 

"The whole experience is really hard but all of these things that CHUF do makes that time in the hopsital that little bit easier; to be able to see your child playing with a smile on their face - even though she is running round with wires connected to her and bandages and canulas. She's still smiling and enjoying it like a three-year-old should be." 

The school also held a sponsored CPR marathon event, which saw students and staff deliver a minimum of 26 continous hours of CPR to six dummies with the support of NLighten Training.

Emily's older sister Chloe, who is also supported by CHUF as a sibling of a heart hero, kick started the fundraiser by starting the first CPR.

The children all participated in a healthy hearts keep fit class, hosted by Gayle Smith, of GS Gymnastics, who volunteered her time for free. Lessons also focused on hearts and healthy living.

"That day Emily felt so special, she was talking about having a poorly heart, her doctors and her heart hospital", added Catherine. " It was really normalised and that's how it should be. She was proud of it.

"I spent most of the day seeing the photos and the videos and I just kept welling up at how much it meant seeing the big smile on Emily's face. It was just fantastic."

"All of our children already receive biannual first aid and CPR training as standard at Prudhoe West, so this is not just a gimmick, but an opportunity for us to reinforce this learning and for them to recall their knowledge and skills, whilst also raising some money", added headteacher Carrie Hodgson.

Over £900 was also raised on the day for playground refurbishments.