A NORTHUMBERLAND County Councillor has been kicked out of the Labour Party.

Holly Waddell, who represents Bywell, has been expelled after she was found to allegedly have links to a Marxist group. Coun. Waddell, who took up the role in May 2021, has now said she is appealing the decision. 

In July 2021, the Labour Party’s national executive committee banned Socialist Appeal and ruled members could be automatically expelled from the party.

“On Friday, February 25, I was informed that I had been expelled from the Labour Party,” Coun. Waddell said.

“It is my belief that the party has mistakenly taken likes from my personal Facebook page as an endorsement of a group proscribed by the Labour Party, Socialist Appeal.

“I am not and have never been a member of the organisation, nor have I supported it in any sense. I have never bought their paper, attended any events or given them financial support. I was shocked and saddened by this decision which I will be appealing.

“In the meantime, my values have not changed. I will continue to do my best to represent the people of Bywell division, a seat I won for the Labour Party for the first time since 2005, a seat held by the Conservatives.

“I will continue to support the efforts of Northumberland Labour Group in holding the Tory administration to account. I was elected on a Labour Party platform with Labour Party values. According to the Labour Party’s website, these are and have “always been about people. It was formed to give ordinary people a voice and has sought power in order to improve their lives.”

“I have always tried to be open and honest with those I represent. While I am appealing this decision, I will not be able to comment on it any further.”

Northumberland Labour Group leader Scott Dickinson said Coun. Waddell remains a committed and hard working councillor for Bywell. He added: “At present, Coun. Waddell will be an independent councillor on Northumberland County Council.”

Tony Pierre, who the Mirror claimed is the North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll’s campaign manager, has also reportedly been expelled.

A North of Tyne spokesman said: “Tony Pierre is not employed by the North of Tyne Combined Authority and has no role within the organisation.”

Tony Pierre was unavailable for comment.