A FORMER middle school building is being used as a filming location for a new film set in the North East in the 1980's.

Filming for new film Blue Jean has taken place at the old Hexham Middle School building.

Hexham Middle School moved to the existing Queen Elizabeth High School site in September last year.

Blue Jean is a Kleio Films production and is backed by BBC Film and BFI.

A description of the film on a casting poster reads: "It's 1988 and Thatcher's government has just passed a law that prohibits the promotion of homosexuality by schools and local authorities.

"As such, PE teachers were prime targets for homophobic accusations.

"Our film follows Jean, who is forced to lead a double life when her sexuality comes to the surface upon being confronted by one of her students in a lesbian bar."

Rosy McEwen will play Jean in the film directed by Georgina Oakley.