A team member hopes to rally up community spirit by organising a second memorial day for a much-loved sports team captain.

Jamie Reay, 32, of Bardon Mill is planning a second memorial day for Peter Hunter, captain of his local quoits team who sadly died in June 2021.

The event will be on Sunday, August 7 at The Boatside Inn.

A few months after his death, Jamie organised the first memorial event which raised money for Haltwhistle Hospital and Great North Air Ambulance Service.

"The whole quoits and farming community came together are showing huge support and respect for Peter and it became much more successful than I could ever have expected," Jamie said.

"My sister Laura Reay played a huge part in gathering raffle prizes and helping with the catering on the day with her friend Adele Wrightson.

"They will hopefully both be there again to help out on the day this year."

With the second year anniversary coming up, Jamie wants to go bigger and better for the memorial games which once again will honour the memory of Peter.

Speaking about Peter, Jamie said: "He was known and respected by everyone involved in the game. He was known as a gentleman who was gracious in defeat but also extremely humble in success

"Everyone who knew Peter will gladly tell you that he was a great man with great manners and humble attributes.

"He is a man who is very much worth remembering."

"The main event is a Singles Quoits Knock-Out Tournament.

"There is also a Consolation Cup - anyone who loses their first round match in the main event goes into the draw for the Consolation Cup (another singles knock-out) - this ensures that everyone is guaranteed at least 2 games on the day.

"And finally the Doubles Knock-Out."

The main event trophy will be one of Peter's original Silver Wrestling Cup Trophies which has been recycled and will remain in the Boatside Inn - all winners and runners-up receive a small trophy.