NORTHUMBERLAND Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) scooped second place in this year’s UK Rescue Organisation (UKRO) competition.

Hosted by West Midlands Fire Service, the teams performed one place better than last year at the Festival of Rescue.

The event saw around 40 fire and rescue services around the UK and further afield compete in five disciplines: trauma care, rope rescue, urban search and rescue, vehicle extrication and water rescue. 


The NFRS teams came home with the following awards: 

3rd - Water Rescue Incident Commander (IC) 

2nd - Extrication IC 

2nd - Extrication tech (tools) team 

1st - Extrication medic team 

2nd - Overall best extrication team 

4th - Overall in the HGV scenario 

4th - Overall best water rescue team 

Chief fire officer Paul Hedley said: “This was an absolutely fantastic achievement, considering we were competing against the very best rescue teams from around the UK.  

“The scenario exercises were carried out in front of a live audience and show the skill and precision with which our firefighters carry out their work. 

“And while they may have been scenarios, these are exactly the kind of incidents our crews train for and deal with throughout the year – 24/7, and we feed all that learning and best practice back into the service so our communities can be assured we have highly skilled water and vehicle rescue teams right across Northumberland. 

“I’m extremely proud of every single one of the team, demonstrating professionalism and experience of the highest level and once again, being outstanding ambassadors from NFRS and Northumberland County Council.” 

A spokesperson added: "A huge well done to the vehicle extraction team, Richie Fairbairn, Steve Wight, Steve Wickham, Ian Rumney, Paul Makepeace, Robbie Mavin and James Kidman and the water rescue team, Andy Irvine, Paul Cameron, Steve Walker and Ashley Hibbit."

The teams will go on to the world extraction challenge next year.

Firefighters from the service recently helped former Tyne and Wear Rescue Service firefighter 109-year-old Joe Dixon celebrate his birthday with an appearance at the Jubilee Lodge care home in Cramlington. He received over 400 cards from kind wellwishers.