A NORTH Tyne village hall is set to be used as a 'warm hub' from next month.

With rising energy bills contributing to the cost-of-living crisis, people across the country are expected to face struggles heating their homes this winter.

To help those in need, Wark Town Hall's committee plans to use the space as somewhere where members of the community can gather for warmth and socialisation.

The hall would open its doors three days a week - on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - from 10am until 4pm.


The committee is currently looking for more volunteers to enable the scheme to go ahead.

Jane Cubley, chair of the committee, said a leaflet informing residents of the plans - and which calls for volunteers - is going out to every household in Wark as well as households in neighbouring areas.

She said: "We've had one or two people volunteer already, and the leaflet hasn't gone out yet! I'm sure we will get hands.

"I really hope it works because I think there's going to be a lot of worry and concern [this winter], not just with the elderly but with young families.

"We're opening up to everybody."

Liz Stringer, another member of the committee, added: "We've had a good initial response so fingers crossed people will take us up on that and we can get our warm community hub going. 

"Hopefully it will be a success, and we can keep everybody warm and happy."

The scheme would run from November 15 until March 31 next year.

Wark Town Hall will also serve as an emergency hub this winter if there are power cuts.