HUNDREDS of Christmas presents will be delivered to local children this year.

The Angie Scott Christmas Appeal started during the coronavirus pandemic after the Prudhoe councillor saw a need in the community to help families experiencing hardship.

The appeal works with community partners, including the Miner's Lamp, Prudhoe Family Hub, Fernedene Hospital and Victims of Violent Abuse, to allocate gifts to those in need but also takes referrals.


"We've done so well and exceeded all expectations thanks to the big-hearted and generous people of Prudhoe and surrounding communities", said Coun. Scott.

"Prudhoe is a community that cares so much about supporting each other during tough times.  It's an honour and a privilege to be the county councillor for Prudhoe North at times like this."

Nearly £1,000 has also been raised through fundraising activities and from local donors.

The appeal was supported by hosts Red Hot Property; Tyne Riverside Cafe; Prudhoe Parish Hall, Prudhoe Community Hub and the Co-op.