A GROUP of North East midwives discovered the benefits of sea swimming to encourage physical activity among their patients.

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was one of four UK organisations to participate in the Active Hospitals pilot, which aimed to improve healthcare professionals' awareness of the importance of physical activity while boosting confidence and skills to promote it to patients.

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The two-year national programme ran from 2020 to 2022 and focused on specific patient pathways – oncology, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, maternity and pre-operative assessment.

Hexham Courant: The Northumbria MermidsThe Northumbria Mermids (Image: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

The trust released a report reflecting on progress made. Hundreds of staff had physical activity training to support patients to stay active.

The Northumbria Mermids, as the sea swimming group calls itself, formed at this time, but continues to reap the benefits.

Maternity support worker Ali Al-Omari said: "I feel like any sort of physical activity is good for your mental health. I’m a firm believer that if you feel good physically then you feel good mentally too.”

Steph Staward, a ward clerk, added: “When I come into work, I don’t feel as stressed because I’ve been able to chill and have fun. I work better, life is better because I don’t feel like I’m wound up all the time.”

The maternity pathway led to initiatives including setting up buggy walks for new mums and training midwives to deliver aquanatal classes.