A PREP school near Stocksfield has been rated 'excellent'.

Mowden Hall School is an co-educational, independent school for children aged between three and 13.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) has now found the school, near Newton, to be 'excellent' in compliance and educational quality.

READ MORE: https://www.hexham-courant.co.uk/news/23270351.pictures-hexham-streets-changing-years/

The inspection, completed in November 2022, focussed on pupils' academic achievements and personal development.

The report takes in staff and pupil interviews and parental surveys. Inspectors also observed classes and activities put on the school, which takes boarders. 

The school met standards for the quality of education provided, it was found, as well as the spiritual, moral and cultural development of pupils, the welfare, health and safety of pupils, the suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors, the premises and accommodation, the provision of information, the manner in which complaints are handled and the quality of leadership in and management of the school.

Pupils were described as being highly articulate, confident and great contributors to the school in the report.

However, it was recommended the school enables pupils to improve neatness and fluency of their handwriting and strengthen their ability to pursue their own research interests. 

Head Kate Martin said: “Within the context of huge educational pressures over the last three years, to be graded as excellent in all areas of school life is a superb achievement and we are incredibly proud to receive such an outstanding report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate.

"Accordingly, I pay tribute to the staff who work so hard to ensure the highest possible educational outcomes for the children in our care.

"I am especially pleased to see the excellent quality of the pupils' academic achievements recognised alongside their rigorously supported personal development. The school's approach to these areas is both robust and ambitious and we will continue to strive to provide an exceptional learning environment for our pupils.“

Chair of trustees at The Prep School Trust, Emma McKendrick, added: “It was a privilege to read the report and I was particularly delighted to see the praise for the critical thinking skills that are encouraged in the children, although not surprised.”