A REDESDALE primary school has once again been rated as 'good' following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Otterburn Primary School was rated 'good' in all areas including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision.

Following an inspection in December, inspectors found that leaders and governors have 'secured significant improvements in school'.

Deborah Worrell was acting as interim leader at the time of the inspection following the departure of the previous headteacher Tina Oliver.

The inspectors said: "Following a period of turbulence and change, the school team has pulled together to bring about stability in staffing.

"The governing body responded quickly to strengthen school leadership and initiate improvement.

"There is a growing sense of teamwork and positive morale among the staff."

"Parents and carers are equally positive about the school’s recent successes," they added.

As of last month, Alison Woodcock is now headteacher at the school.

"We are absolutely delighted with the report that's been published," she said, adding that she was very happy to have taken up the post at the 'lovely' school.

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The Ofsted inspectors noted that Otterburn's 'blossom tree' - where teachers select pupils who have worked hard to have their name on a piece of 'blossom' attached to the tree and pupils selected a friend who has acted kindly to be a 'leaf' - 'epitomises the school's happy atmosphere'.

"Teachers expect pupils to work hard, and they do," they said. "Pupils aspire to great things."

The report, published last week, said arrangements for safeguarding were effective, and that pupils said they can't recall any episodes of bullying.

It added that leaders have developed an effective curriculum in most subjects, but that 'the school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently well planned and sequenced' in others.

"Leaders must continue their work on curriculum structure so that pupils know more, can do more and remember more in every subject," inspectors said.