HERE are the latest statistics on Covid deaths and patients in hospital in Northumberland, according to NHS England data.

More than 1,000 people have died as a result of Covid-19 in Northumberland.

The latest figures from the UK coronavirus dashboard show a total of 1,253 people had died in the area by January 19.

They were among 10,031 deaths recorded across the North East.

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The weekly figures now include anyone whose death certificate – registered up to 14 days before February 2 (Thursday) – mentions Covid-19 as one of the causes.

A total of 180,801 deaths were recorded throughout England by February 2.

Northumbria Healthcare Trust was caring for 45 coronavirus patients in hospital as of Tuesday, January 31, figures show.

NHS England data shows the number of people being treated in hospital for Covid-19 by 8am on February 1 was up from 34 on the same day the previous week.

The number of beds at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust occupied by people who tested positive for Covid-19 decreased in the last four weeks – 28 days ago, there were 62.

Across England there were 6,055 people in hospital with Covid as of February 1, with 136 of them in mechanical ventilation beds.

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalised nationally has decreased by 35 per cent in the last four weeks, while the number on mechanical ventilators has decreased by 36 per cent.

The figures also show that 51 new Covid patients were admitted to hospital in Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in the week to January 30. This was up from 49 in the previous seven days.