PROPOSALS put forward by two long-established sports clubs to build a shared clubhouse in Ponteland have been hit with a major setback.

Ponteland United and Ponteland Rugby Club have been developing a plan to build a new community clubhouse close to the town’s new leisure centre on Callerton Lane.

To do so would require the removal of 12 trees that were protected as part of the initial plans to build the school and leisure centre complex that opened in 2020.

The clubs submitted a planning application to alter that condition and remove the trees, which consist of nine sycamore trees and three willows. The proposals had wide backing in Ponteland, with 399 letters of support submitted to the council.

However, council officers had recommended the plans for refusal. Speaking at Tuesday’s meeting of Northumberland County Council’s strategic planning committee, Ponteland town councillor Susan Johnson urged members to rethink.

She said: "Ponteland Town Council support this application, as the end result of a clubhouse for the two sports teams would provide an excellent amenity for them and the community of Ponteland. Both clubs were founded in the 1960s and are used by 800 children and adults.

"The provision of the clubhouse would allow entrance into higher leagues, therefore attracting residents to remain with their local teams rather than travel to other teams with better facilities and better prospects. It will enhance the sporting provision in Ponteland.

"We find it very disappointing that the officers have recommended the plans for refusal."

Ponteland RFC’s director of rugby, John Chappell, also spoke on behalf of both clubs.

He said: "We met with a planning officer on site over 12 months ago who advised us of the process we would need to follow.

"We would be fully committed to a two-to-one replacement of the trees. This application has received massive public support.

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"We consider this to be our home and as custodians we will do everything that we can to create a brilliant location and experience for all. With your support and public backing, we believe that we have a scheme that will sit alongside and enhance the current excellent on-site facilities."

However, councillors felt they were unable to approve the plans as no planning application for the clubhouse itself had been submitted.

The committee’s chairman, Cllr Trevor Thorne, said: "We need an appropriate planning reason to overturn it and the powers that be are saying the application is there, but what’s behind the application? There’s no planning application at the moment.

"We all have great sympathy with Ponteland Town Council but what should really happen today is what our planning officers are saying. We have an application to vary a condition without a reason to vary it."

Cllr Lyle Darwin felt the clubs had been “let down” and given “ill advice” – but despite that, the committee voted to refuse the plans. Two councillors voted against refusal, while two others abstained.