WE asked our readers what they thought of campaigners seeking law reform that would mean motorists have to stop if they hit a cat and report the incident to police. 

Marc Hydleman said: "Legally, we do not own our cats. They are cared for by families. As a result if they are harmed there is no legal obligation to report it any more than there would be if it was a pheasant - except in the case of cruelty."

Paul Cross added: "Completely agree. Cats are part of people's family, zero difference between a cat and a dog," while Nathan Harold said: "I'd say we have bigger issues for MPs to resolve and spend time on at the moment."

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Kaye Johnstone said: "It should be for all animals. I live in a rural area and I am sickened by the sight of road kill especially with regards to deer and badgers. Just recently I have seen fawns the size of Jack Russell terriers lying at the side of the main roads."

Zarah Dene commented: "Hopefully this will encourage mad drivers to slow down and be more vigilant."

Emily Burlton added: "Yes I don't think it gets taken seriously enough, dogs are considered a man's best friend but cats are thought of as secondary and I don't think this is true. My cat is very loving and I'm glad for the change in the law."

Jennie Wright said: "I think it’s awful that they aren’t included in laws already or that people think only animals that can be controlled matter or animals they can get financial compensation from."