WORK on a £1.5million scheme to give Hexham a 'new lease of life' is due to start in summer.

Northumberland County Council (NCC) has announced that work is due to start this summer on the 'public realm improvement scheme' to revitalise Hexham’s historic centre.

The project is a key component of the Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) which aims to make the town a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and visit.

The work will focus on the key corridor of Priestpopple, Cattle Market and Battle Hill and include upgrading paving materials to complement the historic surroundings, widening a section of pavement on the north side of Priestpopple, introducing more greenery and improved street furniture.

Proposals for the public realm scheme were launched at a public consultation in May 2022 and designs have taken account of a wide range of responses from residents, businesses and local organisations.

Designs and traffic management arrangements are currently being finalised.

Over the coming weeks, Northumberland County Council will be liaising with businesses in this area about the work, the timescales involved and how to keep disruption to traders to a minimum.

The scheme is being funded and delivered by Northumberland County Council and has benefitted from funding during the design phase from Historic England through the HSHAZ programme.

NCC Wojciech Ploszaj, cabinet member for business said:  “This is a big investment into Hexham by the council to help revitalise Hexham’s historic town centre.

"Our aim is to make Hexham a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work, invest and visit, while also enhancing the Conservation Area status of the town centre. 

 “The improvements are a component of the Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone scheme (HSHAZ), which is part of a £95 million government-funded national programme led by Historic England. 

"It’s designed to secure lasting improvements and help breathe new life into historic high streets for the communities and businesses that use them. 

Jules Brown from Historic England addde: “We’re delighted to be contributing to this project through the Hexham High Street Heritage Action Zone. The rejuvenation of the public areas around Priestpopple, Cattle Market and Battle Hill will go a long way to enhancing the look and feel of the historic town centre, improving the spaces for pedestrians in particular.”