SIX men will conquer the 84-mile challenge of Hadrian's Wall Path to fundraise for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Mark Winter, who works for his family business JW Carpets, is one of those taking on the challenge and said his friend Kieran Henricks originally thought of the idea to fundraise in memory of his dad, Brian.

"His dad was very good friends with my dad. Unfortunately, he got a cancerous brain tumour and he died. Afterwards, I and Kieran said to each other we would love to raise awareness about this. It's such a devastating thing."

Hexham Courant: The group taking on the challenge of Hadrian's WallThe group taking on the challenge of Hadrian's Wall (Image: Mark Winter)

Kieran suggested completing Hadrian's Wall to fundraise, and they built a team of people to join in.

This included Mark's twin brother Steven who works for the family business, Mark Innes, Jimmy Hogg and Steven Jones.

"In that timeframe between us deciding we were going to do this, my twin brother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in December 2022. He's been given the all-clear. It drove us to get the message out there."

The team are mainly from Hexham and all have family connections to the area.

Mr Innes' dad died from cancer and he also works for JW Carpets.

"We are a very tight group, everyone knows each other well and we're all in a similar line of work," Mr Winter said. 

The group will complete the full length of Hadrian's Wall, which will take place from May 24 until May 27.

They will start the trek at Bowness-on-Solway in Cumbria and end at Wallsend in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

"We're staying in a bed and breakfast of a customer that Jimmy fitted some doors and windows for. On the second night, we're going to stay in The George Hotel which we supply carpets for.

"We're hoping it's going to take four days, but we're open-minded about the weather if it's too windy or too wet. There are so many variants in the weather that could affect how slow or fast we go. We're not trying to break any records, we're doing it to raise awareness."

Mr Winter added: "The number one reason for doing this is because of Brian. He was a local hero and it just so happened that a few months later I found myself in the same situation that Kieran was in, where a close family member is diagnosed with cancer. 

"Luckily for me, my brother is still here and he's doing the walk with us," he said.

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