THE following planning applications concerning Tynedale were validated by Northumberland County Council during the w/b April 24.

ALLENHEADS: Mr Nigel Woodhouse, New garage, Bentfoot, Ref. No. 23/01327/FUL

CAPHEATON: Louise Alexander, England Woodland Creation Offer / EWCO 403 22_23 In accordance with the agreed notification procedures for woodland creation proposals, set out in the Ministerial Statement in May 1996, l hereby enclose details of the above new planting which sits in close proximity to an inland river, Bavington And Newtonsteads, Ref. No. 23/01601/MISC

CORBRIDGE: Mr & Mrs J & F Nixon, Discharge of conditions : 14 (land contamination) pursuant to planning apporval 19/04373/FUL, Prospect Hill Farm, Ref. No. 23/01460/DISCON

DARRAS HALL: Mrs Rebecca Bunting, Proposed conversion of bungalow into a 2 storey house retaining existing ground floor single storey extension to rear, two storey extension to existing north east bedroom and dressing room, 96 Eastern Way, Ref. No. 23/01316/FUL

DARRAS HALL: Mr Stephen Hodgson, Extension of existing dwelling comprising; extension over existing garage; single storey sun-room extension to rear; two-storey extension to north elevation, 9 Cote Hill Drive, Ref. No. 23/01386/FUL

DARRAS HALL: Mr Cunliffe Hunter, Non-Material Amendment (minor additional glazing changes and flue position altered) on approved application 21/03511/FUL, 5 Whinfell Road, Ref. No. 23/01535/NONMAT

DARRAS HALL: Mr Dennis Webb, Proposed conservatory conversion and internal alterations, 5 Moor Lane, Ref. No. 23/01416/FUL

GUNNERTON: Mr George Lowdon, Retrospective permission for replacement of timber shed to front garden of property, 14 West Crescent, Ref. No. 23/01425/FUL

HALTWHISTLE: Mrs Rachel Tweddle, Summer house in the rear garden (Retrospective), 29 Woodhead Park, Ref. No. 23/01309/FUL

HEDDON-ON-THE-WALL: Mr K Watson, Certificate of Lawful Development of an existing use - implementation of planning permission 18/01207/FUL (Redevelopment of existing commercial brewery site providing 7 new build dwellings and 6 conversions including the demolition of existing modern agricultural style buildings), South Houghton Farm, Hexham Road By Houghton Farms, Ref. No. 23/01468/CLEXIS

HEXHAM: Dr Kushbah Begum, Listed Building Consent to install secondary glazing to 3no. first floor and 2no. second floor front windows, Battle Hill Dental Practice, 11 Battle Hill, Ref. No. 23/01488/LBC

HEXHAM: Elizabeth Lawrence, External alterations and installation of plant and extract equipment, 2 - 6 Fore Street, Ref. No. 23/01378/FUL

NEWTON: Mr Ben Harvey, Certificate of Lawful Development - Proposed Use for Removal of asbestos containing materials (principally pitched roof covering of attached garage/sheds), dismantling of existing porch, single storey flat roof to south-east corner and single storey elevations to south-east corner (form to be replaced like for like - high quality stone only). Removal of external fixtures and fittings, including alarm box and wiring. Refurbishment of bell bracket. Rainwater goods removed and replacement with new. Further inspection of stonework for remedial works as required. New structural opening formed on northern elevation to form new bay window. Raking existing poor-quality mortar and clean off all stonework as required. Inspections on site with stone mason. Repointing with limestone mortar as required. Localised repairs and replacement of poor-quality stonework to southern elevation (utilising higher quality stone on site). Stonework will be carefully designed/selected to suit the new window arrangement to the southern elevation. Structural improvements to stonework to north-west corner of building where large gaps between stone are evident. Underpinning works as required. Removal of all existing windows and replace with new hardwood double glazed frames on like for like basis. Installation of new bay windows to north elevation. Breakout all existing concrete hardstanding, and grub up redundant founds/slabs, drainage, remaining below ground structures ready for installation of all new below ground services. Reinstatement works to include new stone to gravel driveway with feature cobble sets to entrance thresh and steel edging to soft/hard landscaping. Setting out of perimeter garden fencing to north side and feature steps to lawned area and new stone boundary wall erected to east side of building as change of material from fencing in garden area. New entrance gates and gate posts/walling to the south-east corner of the site, Lodge A, Beech Close, Ref. No. 23/01435/CLPROP

OVINGHAM: Mr Chris Slater, Construction of single storey side and rear extension, 42 Piper Road, Ref. No. 23/01475/FUL

PRUDHOE: Janice Coatesworth, Conversion, change of use and extension to the existing Ebenezer Chapel to provide 5no. apartments with associated external landscaping and car parking, West Wylam Ebenezer Methodist Church, Scales Crescent, West Wylam, Ref. No. 23/01406/FUL

PRUDHOE: Mrs Janine Jewitt, Proposed side extension and front porch extension, 40 Milton Grove, Ref. No. 23/01185/FUL

STOCKSFIELD: Mr & Mrs Birch, Proposed north extension to create utility space, office, cloakroom and extend existing kitchen on ground floor, bathroom on ground floor and additional bedroom creation at first floor level; demolition of existing garage to enable the erection of a single storey garden room with storage facilities; relocation of garage to west of house, Eden House, Ridley Mill Road, Ref. No. 23/01180/FUL