FREE screenings of a documentary on dementia will be held at the Forum Cinema this week.

Screenings of The World Turned Upside Down will be held in the Café at The Forum Cinema during Dementia Action Week on Wednesday, May 17 at 5pm and Thursday, May 18 at 5pm.

The documentary about dementia and communication was released in 2022 and so far has been viewed more than 4,000 times, with professionals, practitioners and people living with dementia all agreeing that this is a film which needs to be seen more widely.

There are many situations involving individuals and family members, or individuals and healthcare professionals, where the outcome relies on what is communicated and how.

Effective communication is key to enabling a dementia diagnosis, supporting people to adjust to living with dementia and accessing post-diagnostic support and care.  

The film also shows the rehearsal process, audience reactions and reflections from those involved in the project.