We asked Hexham Courant readers whether or not they think passengers on aeroplanes should be banned from drinking alcohol or whether it should be allowed as it is a part of the holiday experience? 

Starting the conversation, Colin Appleby believes that it should be banned on planes but fears it will cause other problems.

He said:"[I think] Definitely on planes but folk would just get “tanked up” before departure."

Maureen Simpson also believes something should be done before people get on the plane. She said: "Drinking in the airport beforehand should be banned!

However, Geoff Rudd disagrees. He said:"too many things are getting banned nowadays . let people enjoy themselves/ less rules more happiness."

Angela Moran agrees with Geoff and said:" [It is the] Same as everything. Some can't behave and everyone has to suffer.

James Clare also shares his opinion. He said: "Bans like this shouldn't be necessary in 2023. Why can't people just be sensible and take some responsibility instead of spoiling it for everyone."