A KIND-HEARTED girl has donated her hair to charity following her classmates footsteps.

April Olsen from Fourstones near Hexham decided to donate 8 and a half inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust.

April, 6, was inspired by a classmate who did the same last year and grew her hair for a year with the sole purpose of making a significant contribution.

The Little Princess Trust, a UK-based charity that provides real hair wigs to children experiencing hair loss due to medical conditions.

"After a year of nurturing her locks, she took the chop on Saturday, July 8," April's mam Hayley Olsen said.

"She loves the length and was joking with the hairdressers saying it wouldn't take her very long to do her hair in the morning now.

"She is also obsessed with the new Matilda film, where a character has a red barret, so she now thinks she looks like her and we need to get her one.

"She is very advanced in her reading and loves school so it is perfect for her."

Supported by her family and friends, April's journey resonated with the community and has raised £400.

Hexham Courant:

Hayley adds: "The funds raised will assist the charity in creating wigs for children in need.

"April's story emphasizes that age is not a barrier to making a difference and that even small acts of compassion can have a lasting impact.

"We hope by sharing her story, April hopes to keep raising awareness to the charity's mission of bringing smiles to the faces of ill children.

"April's remarkable act serves as a reminder that each of us has the power to create positive change.

"I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has donated to the charity, the hairdresses.

"Let us embrace her spirit of giving and find ways to make a difference in the lives of those in need."

To join April's cause or donate to the Little Princess Trust, visit www.justgiving.com/page/aprilhairdonation.