THE leader of Northumberland County Council is hoping for “closure” ahead of two key reports being examined by the authority’s audit committee.

The first of the two reports describe a series of unlawful exit payments made to council officers between 2017 and 2022, while the second looks at “lessons” that need to be learned following the unlawful expenditure made by the council in regards to its international business.

Councillor Glen Sanderson welcomed the reports ahead of the audit committee on Wednesday and outlined the changes the council had made in the past year in the wake of the damning Max Caller report.

Cllr Sanderson said: “It is fair to say we are very much in a different – and far, far, better – place than we were two years ago. When I became leader, I was determined we should address a number of issues to allow us to move on and grow.

“The International business was one part of a governance situation that I felt was not correct or appropriate and I felt the only recourse was to seek an independent review of governance. The outcome of that demonstrated the absolute need for change and those changes have been actioned.”

The controversial international health consultancy business, which was originally set up in partnership with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust, was deemed unlawful following an investigation last year. It was found to be in breach of the 2011 Localism Act as the company was unincorporated.

Cllr Sanderson added: “Similarly, the review of exit payments has allowed us to study exactly what had happened and ensure we have now a totally transparent and robust reporting and approval processes in place.

“No organisation or individual should ever shy away from challenge and over the past two years we’ve totally transformed the ways in which we work.  We’ve revised and clarified structures, strengthened and refined governance, leading to a much more positive working environment for everyone.

“We’ve a new chief executive and executive management team who are taking us forward – delivering every day whether that’s major new investment and infrastructure or providing the day-to-day high levels of service residents should expect. I am hugely proud of our staff at all levels who give great service to our residents.

“It has not been an easy journey but, given where we are now, I am confident it has been worth it.”

The reports will be debated by the cross-party audit committee on Wednesday, July 26.