A PHOTOGRAPHY exhibition will take place this month.

Hexham Community Centre will host photography by Josephine and Kate on August 11 from 5pm until 6.30pm.

The exhibition is managed by the theatre group Stage Fright Limited, which works with the community to fulfil the creative ambitions of its members.

Linda Ferris, managing director of Stage Fright Limited, said: "The photographs have been produced by two ladies who have learning disabilities/difficulties. We started the workshops in April 2023. The ladies are getting so much joy and happiness from attending. 

"While out in the community, they have gained so much confidence speaking to business owners and the general public. I think it's so important to recognize their achievements. 

"Mental health and wellbeing is important for us all and we have witnessed first-hand that our workshops are lifting the spirits of those who attend," she said.

Prosecco and snacks are included in the entry price of £2.