WE asked our readers if they thought vaping should be banned. Here's what they said.

Suzanne Fairless-Aitken said: "Just flavours," while Jenny Fairless said: "Vapes should only be on prescription to over 18s to help quit smoking. Stop sales altogether."

Claire Youdan also said: "The main constituent in vapes is propylene glycol, the same as in asthma inhalers. Buying an unregulated cheap flavour is the problem, not the accelerant."

Lisa Buchanan said: "No, I quit with vapes after several failed attempts with other things, over four years now since I stopped."

Ray Bather added: "I absolutely hate walking through massive vape clouds, the smell makes me gag."

Nick Foster also said vapes helped him quit smoking. Louise Oliver said vapes should have 'at least the same restrictions as tobacco sales'.

Joan Gibson said: "Should be prescription only."

Angela Tomlinson Ne Hussey said: "For juveniles yes. Not for adults giving up smoking."

Other readers including Linda Bell, Brenda Piper, Pauline Skells and Kathryn Walker agreed vapes should be banned.

Craig Gibbin said: "It's a person's choice whether to or not to."

Sarah Jane Pattison said: "I am concerned that we seem to live in a country where so many things are banned." Paul R A. Mitcheson also said: "No freedom of choice."

Ralph Burgess commented: "Ban vaping. Then they'll just go straight back to cigarettes, so do this, and prepare for that."

James Clare, Alison O' Riordan, Stacey Lavery, Linda Porter and Stephanie Scott disagreed and said vapes shouldn't be banned.