A PLANNING application was submitted to demolish a cottage and redevelop it into a new house.

The application, submitted to Northumberland County Council, proposes to demolish Longbottom Cottage located at Beech Close Farm in Newton, Stocksfield and rebuild one home with associated landscaping and infrastructure. 

The cottage is one of several buildings located on the farm which include a community building, a school house, the main house and surrounding barns.

The design and access statement said because the demolition site is located near historical assets including two Grade II listed buildings, the Church of St James and the Joicey Memorial, the development should reflect the local heritage and enhance its character.

"Due to the haphazard location of materials, it's clear that the building has been cheaply repaired or patched over the years where it has failed. This creates a run-down feel to this important entrance part of the site. The heritage or architectural value of the existing building to the historic setting and the listed assets is considered to be negligible.

"Part of the reasoning behind the proposal to rebuild the existing structure is to improve the architectural quality of the site, and as a consequence improve the setting of the listed assets."

The development is expected to have minimal impact on the historical buildings.

"The landscaped gardens to the northwest of the building enhance the setting of the house significantly. The landscaped gardens to the south create a private south-facing space. The existing entrance to Beech Close Farm is to be upgraded with new gates and a gravel drive leading to a new double garage, faced in timber with a slate roof," the design and access statement said.

A landscape and visual assessment reported: "Due to the small scale of the proposed development, and the existing amount of built form at the farmstead, it is considered that there will be no effect on the national landscape character."

It said key features in the surrounding area will not be affected by the proposal.

"The surrounding areas of pasture and arable land will be retained, with field boundaries located within the client’s land ownership, improved with hedgerow planting and native hedgerow trees," it added. 

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 23/03378/FUL.