A BEAUTY SALON will be hosting an all-day coffee morning in aid of a charity close to owner's heart.

Jemma Little, owner of The Beauty Spot on 23 St Mary's Chare, is hoping many residents and visitors will 'pop in' off the streets for delicious treats and a chat, all to help raise money for MacMillan Cancer on Thursday, September 28.

Jemma, who has owned the business for 11 years, hopes that many people will join her to say 'thanks' to a charity that has supported her through tough times.

She said: "I chose this charity as my mother was diagnosed in 2021 and had a major operation followed by radiotherapy.

"I also have so many clients that had personally had cancer or have lost loved ones too it.

"It is such a great charity to offer support for families and those who have had cancer.

"I have got clients who are baking and donating cakes to the salon and I have also got a raffle for a massage that I am donating along with some other prizes too."