WE shared the news that Sir Anthony Gormley, the world-famous artist and sculptor who created the Angel of the North, turned down the opportunity to replace the tree from Sycamore Gap. 

The iconic tree was sadly felled late last month in what authorities have described as a "deliberate act of vandalism."

Here's how readers reacted.

Pauline Inskip said: "I totally agree. We can't replace our sycamore tree. We have to wait, have patience and hope. If this unique tree stump sprouts, it is a sign for all of us."

Amanda Wheeler added: "Needs to be as nature intended. I’m so glad I got to visit it this year."

Simon Neil Scott said: "And not to mention, that a large metallic art piece, really wouldn't work in the middle of Hadrian's Wall. I love the Angel of the North as much the next person, but that works because of its location and links to urban life."

Jo Dutton added: "Thank god! Trees are beautiful and natural. We don’t need more rusty junk piles thank you."

John Lowes commented: "A statue would look incongruous."

Suzanne Shore Foster said: "He's right, fantastic artist that he is this is not the best solution for this spot."