The Environment Agency commenced rigorous testing of water quality at swimming sites on May 15.

These tests bring essential health benefits to local communities and stimulate coastal towns' economy by attracting tourists from around the UK and worldwide.

The Agency will take more than 7000 samples at 451 designated locations throughout England during the season, which runs till September's end.

The results are accessible on Swimfo, offering the public immediate access to the quality of water at each bathing site.

The site also provides Pollution Risk Forecasting (PRF) information, highlighting any potential decrease in water quality due to weather or pollution incidents.

Annual classification of each bathing site will be based on four years of data, presented at the season's end.

In previous years, the Agency managed to invest £2.5 billion and facilitated partnerships to improve bathing waters.

Last year, 32 out of 34 North East Bathing Waters were rated as 'excellent' or 'good,' and nationwide, 96 per cent of waters met minimum standards, with 90 per cent judged as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.

Environment Agency chair Alan Lovell said: "Public confidence in bathing water quality is key to the tourism industry as well as people’s health and wellbeing. This is why we monitor 451 sites throughout the bathing water season and provide pollution risk forecasting where available."