A series of concerts are returning in Allendale this June.

St Cuthbert’s Church will host Music in Allendale, beginning with a performance by renowned string enthusiasts, the Heath Quartet, on June 15 at 7.30pm.

The Quartet is known for their extensive repertoire, including select works from composers Haydn and Ravel.

In a unique inclusion, they'll also perform a piece by Dutch composer, Henriette Bosmans.

Ms Bosmans's compositions, which were banned by the Nazis during her lifetime, are now earning well-deserved recognition.

The second concert is poised for September 14, featuring the acclaimed Cypriot pianist, Martino Tirimo.

Recently, Mr Tirimo recorded complete piano music from Beethoven and Chopin and his performance in Allendale will feature pieces from both composers.

These concerts are predicted to draw massive numbers and fuel future events.

Organisers hope the success of these concerts will spur the execution of Music in Allendale’s 2025 concert series.

Each performance begins at 7.30pm at St Cuthbert’s Church, with tickets priced at £17.50 and free entry for accompanied children.

Tickets - which include light refreshments - are available at multiple outlets in Allendale including Allendale Co-op, Allendale Post Office and Forum Books, Corbridge or by emailing musicinallendale@gmail.com. There will be tickets available on the door.

See the full schedule and additional concert details at the Music in Allendale website.