A coroner in Northumberland has issued a warning to the NHS after a man from Hexham died while under their care. 

Harry Hall died in May 2023 while under the care of the the trust's West Northumberland community treatment team.

Coroner Hetherington concluded the inquest into Mr Hall's death on April 30 this year. He found he had died by suicide, and had had a history of depression and mental health illness.

Writing to the NHS trust, the coroner said: "There is nothing in the records, it is unclear if any assessment was undertaken at that time and this is crucial information. It is speculation if the outcome would have been any different if the deceased had been seen prior to his death. I am concerned with regard to the record keeping at this time."

Harry saw a GP in relation to his suicidal thoughts on March 28. He was offered an appointment by letter for June 26. A previous appointment on May 17 did not go ahead, for unknown reasons.

In his report, Hetherington states: "The evidence revealed matters giving rise to concern. In my opinion there is a risk that future deaths will occur unless action is taken."

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