A Northumberland writer has released her latest book, following the positive reception of her debut novel.

Released on May 23, Kimberley Adams' Love Beyond Lindisfarne has been branded a 'love letter to the northeast' by one reviewer.

Her initial venture into the field of romantic comedy, Love Lindisfarne, was released in October 2023, receiving multiple five-star reviews.

Ms Adams said: "I’ve been staggered by the response the first book got.

"My instinct was that readers of this genre would love a book set in Northumberland, it’s such a special place.

"We have a wealth of fantastic local crime writers with books set all over the Northeast, but not so many romantic comedies, so it was time to redress the balance and what finer place than Lindisfarne for my first."

Ms Adams' books bear artwork covers created by Felton-based artist, Sarah Farooqi.

She said: "Sarah and I worked together to come up with visual representations of the stories inside both books and the covers are stunning and really catch the eye."

Love Beyond Lindisfarne can be found in a host of independent outlets across Northumberland, as well as online or at major book retailers.