A weight loss consultant is returning to the Slimming World group she opened 14 years ago, following her own journey of losing three stone in six months.

Rebecca Scott, 46, of Hexham, launched the Prudhoe slimming group at the Methodist Church in 2000, before relocating and eventually stepping down from the role.

However, her recent personal weight loss success has inspired her to return and help guide others in their health improvement journey.

Having overseen slimming groups in Kelso, Scotland, Ms Scott mentioned some significant milestones she's witnessed thus far.

She said: "One of my biggest achievements was seeing someone go from four diabetic injections down to just one a day.

"Seeing someone who couldn’t walk because of her weight then lose an incredible seven stone and do a group charity walk with us was just amazing.

"It’s a real honour to help people change their lives and I feel so honoured to have that privilege again in Prudhoe."

In November, Ms Scott recommenced attendance at Slimming World, shrinking from size 16/18 to 10/12.

She said: “Having lost three stone and regaining my confidence, I thought why not take the opportunity to come back and help people in Prudhoe achieve their goals too.

“I can’t wait to pass on my passion for food optimising to my members and help them, because they have helped me so much and they continue to inspire me.

“I think being a member really helps when you have your own group.

"You can understand what it feels like on a more difficult week, and you always leave feeling better, as everyone is in it together.”

Ms Scott will retake over the Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning meetings in Prudhoe come June and is calling for anyone with goals to shed weight to come along and participate.

She said: "Whether you’re brand new to Slimming World or you’ve been a member in the past and would like to come back, I’d love to welcome you along.

"All you’ve got to lose is weight!"

The classes will take place at Prudhoe Methodist Church every Tuesday at 5pm and 6.30pm, and every Wednesday at 9am.