A GARAGE will be extended at a home to create additional storage space.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council to extend an existing garage at 4 Paddock Wood, Prudhoe by the agent Richardson Surveying & Architecture Ltd.

The delegated report published by the council stated: "The application property is a detached bungalow located within a built-up residential area of Prudhoe. The application proposes the extension of the original garage, which due to previous conversion is now in use as a store."

It added that the garage's front wall will be extended to offer additional storage space.

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"The property subject to this application is a detached brick and natural stone bungalow with white uPVC windows and a concrete tiled roof, situated within Prudhoe.

"It is proposed to extend an existing garage to the front of the property. The proposed extension is the same width and height as the existing garage but would extend approximately 4.9m in total from the front (northern) elevation of the property, which is an additional 3.6m further than the existing garage. The proposed materials would be in keeping with the existing property."

The application was approved on May 20.

A comment submitted by the chair of Prudhoe Town Council, on behalf of the Town Council, stated the council agreed to support the application at the Planning, Contract and Works Committee meeting held on April 11.

"The proposed development is considered to be of appropriate design which would not have a significant or adverse impact on the character and visual amenity of the existing dwellinghouse or the surrounding area. The materials are in-keeping with the existing property and that which are typically associated with this type of development so would not appear out of place in terms of the character of the area."

In conclusion, the delegated report said: "The proposed works would not have an adverse impact on the appearance of the host dwelling or the street scene, and the proposed works would not have an adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties. The proposal is therefore acceptable in accordance with relevant Policies in the Development Plan and the NPPF."

For more information, go to Northumberland County Council's planning portal and search reference number 24/00988/FUL.