A North East wildlife trust is urging Northumbrians to participate in a UK wildlife survey.

The Northumberland Wildlife Trust has joined forces with 45 other trusts to launch The Great Big Nature Survey.

The UK is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries with current data exposing a 53 per cent decline in native plants due to farming and climate change.

A total of 41 per cent of all wildlife has declined since 1970 and 26 per cent of mammals, including hedgehogs and water voles, risk extinction.

Sheila Sharp, Northumberland Wildlife Trust’s director of engagement and fundraising said: “As an organisation, we really do value the views and opinions of everybody in this region so I would urge everybody to grab a brew, find somewhere comfortable and settle in and have their say.

“This research will provide valuable insights into what people think and feel about nature in Newcastle, Northumberland, and North Tyneside. It will also help us to inspire more individuals and communities to join the cause in putting nature into recovery.

"The more we know about contemporary attitudes to nature, the more we can empower people to help protect it.”

You can complete the survey at www.wildlifetrusts.org/great-big-nature-survey