Approval has been granted to convert a garage in to additional space for a kitchen and create a new living room in a Hexham home.

Mrs Tina White submitted the application to extend the semi-detached house at 19 Leazes Park, Hexham.

The Local Planning Authority are satisfied that the proposed single storey rear extension would constitute permitted development under Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).

The proposed rear extension will protrude beyond the existing rear elevation of the garage by approximately 3.00m and will consist of a single storey flat roof extension to match the existing garage. The extension will measure a roof height of approximately 2.80m. The proposed extension will consist of three new windows, with the walls to be finished with render coat over blockwork, roof to match existing and a rooflight to be located above the proposed dining area.

As part of their appraisal, Northumberland County Council wrote: "Having regard to the submitted information and plans, the proposed single storey rear extension is considered permitted development in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of the General Permitted Development (England) Order 2015 (as amended). It is therefore concluded that the construction of a single storey rear extension is not considered to breach any limitations or conditions presented by Class A, Part 1, Schedule 2 of the Order and a certificate of lawfulness can be granted.

"The County Council has a duty to have regard to the impact of any proposal on those people with characteristics protected by the Equality Act. Officers have had due regard to Sec 149(1) (a) and (b) of the Equality Act 2010 and considered the information provided by the applicant, together with the responses from consultees and other parties, and determined that the proposal would have no material impact on individuals or identifiable groups with protected characteristics. Accordingly, no changes to the proposal were required to make it acceptable in this regard."

The proposal was approved on April 18 and the report was officially published on Monday, June 3.