Experts at the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) are warning homeowners about potential moth infestations as rising temperatures could trigger a surge in moth sightings.

While the majority of the UK's 2,500 moth species are harmless, the common clothes moth, Indian-meal moth and White-shouldered house moth are recognised as pests.

Natalie Bungay, technical manager at BPCA, said: "Moths aren’t known to spread disease, they don’t bite humans and many adult moths don’t even have mouths.

"But certain moth larvae can damage textiles such as carpets and curtains, as well as clothing, while others infest food items such as cereals, grains and flour, leaving behind webbing, larvae and pupal cases.

"The White-shouldered house moth thrives in accumulated animal hair and fluff in central heating ducts and radiators, and while they are often little more than a nuisance, in large numbers, an infestation can be distressing.

"If you suspect an infestation, it’s crucial to seek advice from a BPCA member as soon as possible."