A woman with family in Hexham has written a book series geared towards children with cancer following her own daughter's diagnosis.

Sarah Bankuti now lives in Canada with her husband, three daughters and mini-daschund.

One of her daughters, Alice, was diagnosed with cancer at the age of just 10 months old, and Sarah wanted to create a book series to help her get through her chemotherapy journey, after discovering that there wasn't anything like that out there. 

She said: "When she started chemotherapy I searched for books that would prepare her, in her own words - something she could relate to. But there wasn't one. There were no quality picture book series geared towards children with cancer.

"I created a book series, an empowering story about a brave princess with cancer inspired by my daughter Alice. A fun and engaging series that kids will want to read, and that will help them with what they are going through."

Alice with one of her mum's booksAlice with one of her mum's books (Image: Supplied)

On July 3, she will launch her Kickstarter campaign, which aims to raise $15,000 in the hope of publishing the book series, and producing plushies, which can then be donated to various children's hospitals across Canada, United States of America, Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, including the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) in Newcastle.

Sarah added: "100% of the proceeds raised go to printing, producing and shipping these items. All businesses and people who buy one to donate can include a message on the title page so the families and hospitals know who donated them. "

Sarah and AliceSarah and Alice (Image: Supplied)

Sarah's goal is to produce and distribute over 500 books and 500 plushies created specifically for children with cancer.

She concluded: "I self published these books and since then many hospitals and children's organisations have been in contact asking for my books. My goal for my Kickstarter is that no child with cancer has to pay for my books.

"I need your support to do this. If we all work together then I will be able to print these books as a hardcover and have the Princess Lily doll made and donate them to the RVI."